Marxian Theory of State Origin

  • The book “Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” was written by Frederik Engels.
  • According to Marxists, the state is a class structure.
  • The Marxists attribute the statement that the state is an instrument of exploitation.
  • The phrase “The State is nothing more than a machine” for the oppression of one class by another is associated with Frederik Engels.
  • According to Marxists, the state uses institutions like the army, police, and courts to promote the interests of the dominating class.
  • Marxists are in favor of doing away with the state.
  • The primitive society according to Marxists worked on the principle of survival of the fittest.
  • According to Marxists, ‘Primitive Communism’ is the period prior to the creation of the state.
  • The ‘primitive society’ that existed prior to the creation of the state, according to Marxists, was a classless society.
  • The ‘primitive society’ was regulated by conventions and customs.
  • According to Marxists, in the primitive society, natural resources were under the control of all the people.
  • The Marxists believe that class distinctions appeared after man started leading a settled life and took to cultivation.
  • According to Marxists, the slave-owning society preceded the creation of the state.
  • The state was created for the suppression and exploitation of slaves, according to Marxists.
  • According to Marxists, the state is a man-made institution.
  • The capitalist state made its appearance towards the close of the eighteenth century, according to Marxists.
  • According to Marxists, there cannot be any democracy in the capitalist society because power is in the hands of rich classes.
  • The Marxists aim to do away with the capitalist state through violent revolution.
  • The proletarian state envisaged by Marx is the state which will be established after the overthrow of the capitalist state as a transitory measure.
  • One of the chief functions of the proletarian state according to Marx is to promote Marxian ideology by regulating education, art, culture, etc.
  • The ultimate objective of Marxists is a stateless society.
  • The most important feature of the state according to Marxists is the oppression of one class by another.
  • The concept of dictatorship of the proletariat was elaborated by Lenin in “State and Revolution.”
  • The proletariat state according to Marxist thinkers is an instrument of suppression of the minority by the majority.
  • According to Marxists, the state is a man-made institution resulting from evolution.
  • The concept of dictatorship of the proletariat was elaborated by Lenin in “State and Revolution.”
  • The Marxists believe that the state was created for the suppression and exploitation of the have-nots.
  • According to Marxists, the state is based on the economic factor.
  • The concept of dictatorship of the proletariat was elaborated by Lenin in “State and Revolution.”
  • The Marxists believe that the state was created for the suppression and exploitation of the have-nots.
  • The Marxist Theory has advocated communism.
  • According to the Marxist theory, the state is an instrument for the promotion of the welfare of the people.
  • According to the Marxist theory, the state is based on the economic factor.
  • Anarchism is associated with the concept of a stateless society.
  • According to Marx, the state promotes the conditions which are conducive to man’s moral development.
  • Marx borrowed from Hegel the dialectical method.
  • According to Marx, the motive force of history is forces of production.
  • The Marxist theory lays great emphasis on the materialistic aspect.
  • Dictatorship of proletariat means dictatorial rule of the working class.
  • Lenin’s contribution to the development of Marxism is the principle of democratic-centralism.
  • Lenin’s contribution to the development of Marxism is the principle of democratic-centralism.
  • According to Marxists, the state is a machine through which the ruling class imposes its will on the rest of the people.
  • The expression “The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles” is from the Communist Manifesto.
  • According to Marx, the modern bourgeois society is characterized by struggle between capitalist and worker.
  • The Marxist theory lays great emphasis on the materialistic aspect.
  • According to Marx, the state arises when there is exploitation of labor by capital.
  • “The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles” is found in the Communist Manifesto.
  • Surplus value means the difference between wages and proceeds of sales.
  • The concept “The evolution of economic production in a society determines its institutional and ideological superstructure” is from Marx.
  • The Communist Manifesto was written by Marx and Engels jointly.

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