• 8 bits make up a “Byte.”
  • To send a PowerPoint show as an attachment in an email, add the show as an “Attachment.”
  • Cross-references in Word are inserted as “Word fields.”
  • Graphics for a word processor are referred to as “Clip art.”
  • The Ctrl+T shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to create a “Hanging Indent.”
  • A word processor is most likely used to “Type a biography.”
  • Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, and engrave are known as “Text effects” in Microsoft Word.
  • To disable extended selection mode in Microsoft Word, press the “Esc” key.
  • Macros in MS Word are small programs created to automate repetitive tasks using VBA.
  • The “Table Insert Table” option cannot be used to create a parallel style column in MS Word.
  • To set an exception to an AutoCorrect rule in MS Word, you can “Sort” the data source.
  • The color, style, and using a shortcut key for underline in MS Word are features of “Font effects.”
  • To insert a drop cap in a paragraph in MS Word, access the “Format” menu and choose “Drop Cap.”
  • The Ctrl+T shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to create a “Hanging Indent.”
  • The “End” keyboard key is used in Microsoft Word to move the cursor to the “end of the line.”
  • The “Ctrl + Up Arrow” shortcut key in Microsoft Word is used to move the cursor one “paragraph up.”
  • To read through a document, you can use the arrow key or dragging the scroll box on the scroll bar in MS Word.
  • To set an exception to an AutoCorrect rule, you can click “Tools” on the menu bar and then click “AutoCorrect Options.”
  • In PowerPoint, ellipse motion is an “Animation.”
  • The Zoom option in MS Word 2016 is placed on the “View tab” and “Status bar.”

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