• The common name for the board with chips mounted on it in a computer is: Motherboard.
    • The current CEO of Microsoft: Satya Nadella.
    • The instructions that tell a computer how to carry out processing tasks are referred to as computer: Programs.
    • To move a copy of a file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called: File transfer.
    • Multitasking provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously.
    • An example of real security and privacy risk is: Spam.
    • Most data goes first within a computer memory hierarchy to: CACHE.
    • A DVD is an example of an: Optical disc.
    • Permanent data that gets updated during transaction processing is stored in the: Master file.
    • To prevent data loss during power failures, use a(n): UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).
    • Touch Screen is an example of: Both an input and output device.
    • Computers that combine measuring and counting are called: Hybrid.
    • The most important/powerful computer in a typical network is the: Network server.
    • Forms used to organize business data into rows and columns are called: Spreadsheets.
    • High-level languages must be converted into machine language to execute because: An interpreter does the conversion line by line as the program is run.
    • Slide rules were invented by: William Oughtred.
    • TCP/IP was invented by: Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf.
    • Pressing the F8 key three times selects: A sentence.
    • The ribbon is used in: Dot Matrix printer.
    • A handheld computer is also called: Palmtop computer.

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