The role of headers and footers in Microsoft Word documents: Allow page headers and footers to appear on the document when printed.
The function of the Column Command in MS Word is located on the Page Layout tab.
To apply the same formatting as you did to another text in MS Word, use the Format Painter.
The “All Caps” feature in Microsoft Word changes all selected text into capital letters.
The indent marker that controls all lines except the first line is the Hanging Indent Marker.
The shortcut “Ctrl + R” in Microsoft Word is used to right-align the selected paragraph.
The Page Down keyboard key in Microsoft Word is used to move the cursor one screen down.
The shortcut “Ctrl + PageUp” in Microsoft Word is used to move the cursor one page up.
The tab to view headers and footers in
MS Word is the Page Layout tab.
Ctrl+Shift+1 shortcut keys in Excel are used to format a number in comma format.
The category of computers that can be used to make computer, digital systems, and calculators: All of the above.
The type of communication mode where the channel is used in both directions at the same time: Full-duplex.
Ctrl + H shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to open the Find and Replace dialog box with activating the Replace tab.
To view headers and footers in MS Word, you must switch to both Print Layout view and Print Preview mode.
Ctrl + H shortcut key in Microsoft Word is used to open the Find and Replace dialog box with activating the Replace tab.
The minimum number of rows and columns in a MS Word document: 1 and 1.
When three hyphens, underscores, equal signs, asterisks, or number signs are typed and then the Enter key is pressed, the Auto Format feature places a border above a paragraph.
To create a parallel style column, you cannot use the Format Columns option.
When sharing data in Office, the source document is the document in which the data was first entered.
To create a document in wide format in MS Word, you need to change the Page Orientation.