
Physics Section 5

Physics Section 5 The work-energy theorem states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. The potential energy of an object is due to its position or condition. Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energy. Conservation of mechanical energy holds true only in the […]

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Physics Section 3

Physics Section 3 Work done on the body equals the change in both its K.E and P.E. Tides raise the water level in the sea twice a day. The highest escape velocity in the solar system is on Jupiter. Gravitational P.E of a body doesn’t have a general formula. Doubling the speed of a moving

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Physics Section 4

Physics Section 4 When encountering an atom, an alpha particle knocks out electrons. The path of an alpha particle is zig-zag or erratic. γ-rays are suitable for treating infections inside the body. Cobalt-60 is used to treat various types of cancer. Surgical instruments can be sterilized by exposing them to γ-rays. Alpha particles carry a

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Physics Section 2

Physics Section 2 The frequency of light remains unchanged as it passes from air to glass. When light passes from a rarer to a denser medium, it bends towards the normal. The angle of incidence is always measured with respect to the normal. Dispersion of light is the splitting of light into its component colors.

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Physics Section 1

Physics Section 1 SI unit of Heat is Joule. Two automobiles meet in 1.5 hours. The branch of science dealing with matter and energy is Physics. Physics is a branch of Physical sciences. Physics plays an important role in engineering. Physics provides fundamental laws to other sciences. Plasma physics deals with highly energetic ions. Nuclear

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