Physics Section 3

  • Work done on the body equals the change in both its K.E and P.E.
  • Tides raise the water level in the sea twice a day.
  • The highest escape velocity in the solar system is on Jupiter.
  • Gravitational P.E of a body doesn’t have a general formula.
  • Doubling the speed of a moving body doubles its momentum.
  • One megawatt-hour is equal to 36 x 10^8 joules.
  • Work has the same dimension as torque.
  • The relation between escape velocity and orbital speed is Vesc = -2Vo.
  • When two protons are brought together, the potential energy between them increases.
  • A child does more work than a man in lifting a weight vertically.
  • The area under a force-displacement graph represents work done.
  • Propulsion force of a rocket is a non-conservative force.
  • Geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy.
  • Photovoltaic cells convert solar energy into electrical energy.
  • Biomass can be converted into fuels through direct combustion and fermentation.
  • Steel possesses the highest elasticity among the given substances.
  • The dimensions of stress are ML^-1T^-2.
  • Strain doesn’t have the dimensions of force per unit area.
  • The energy stored in a wire stretched by a force F is (FE).
  • The energy stored per unit volume of a wire stretched by a force in the direction of a magnetic field is Y∝^2.
  • A wire stretched by a 20N weight gains 0.01J of energy.
  • The energy gained per unit volume of material when a certain stress is applied is Stress/strain.
  • Stress is directly proportional to extension in the material.
  • The energy stored in a wire is proportional to the square of its extension.
  • Formation of large molecules from small ones is polymerization.
  • The energy band occupied by valence electrons is the valence band.
  • A ferromagnet fully magnetizes at its peak value of alternating current.
  • Materials with tightly bound valence electrons at low temperatures are insulators.
  • The angular position of crystals remains the same, called external symmetry of form.
  • Homogeneity in a crystal means density of atoms remains the same along any direction.
  • The band theory of solids explains the nature of all electrical conductors and insulators.
  • A completely filled band is a core band.
  • Nonmetals have the greatest energy gap.
  • The electrical conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors increases with temperature.
  • Semiconductors have a completely filled valence band, a partially filled conduction band, and a narrow forbidden band.
  • Very weak magnetic fields are detected by SQUIDs.
  • The energy needed to magnetize and demagnetize is represented by hysteresis loop area.
  • The SI unit of modulus of elasticity is Nm^-2.
  • A wire’s energy stored is 0.75J after stretching 1mm with a force of 10N.
  • The energy stored in a wire stretched by a force of 10N is 0.75J.
  • Ductile materials undergo plastic deformation before breaking.
  • Energy stored in a wire is proportional to force and extension.
  • Alteration in shape, length, or volume due to external force is deformation.
  • The Curie temperature is when a ferromagnet becomes paramagnetic.
  • Coercive force opposes demagnetization.
  • Bulk properties relate to the microstructure of materials.
  • Cleavage is the breaking of crystals along definite directions.
  • In a simple cube, one atom or molecule lies at each of its eight corners.
  • A vacant or partially filled band is the conduction band.
  • Electrons in the conduction band are free to transport charge.
  • Many semiconductors are crystals of the face-centered cubic type.
  • Holes can exist in semiconductors.
  • In semiconductors, charge carriers are electrons and holes.
  • The net charge on n-type material is neutral.
  • Magnetic force acting on a unit positive charge moving perpendicular to the magnetic field is magnetic induction.
  • The current in a wire producing a force of 5N in a uniform magnetic field of 0.5 Wb/m^2 is 100A.
  • Two parallel wires carrying currents in opposite directions repel each other.
  • A magnetic field exerts force on a charged particle when it’s moving perpendicular to the field lines.
  • Soft iron is the most suitable material for making the core of an electromagnet.
  • The relationship between Tesla and Gauss is 1T = 10^4 G.
  • The SI unit of flux density is NA^-1m^-1.
  • The standard vector symbol for flux density is B.
  • The path of an electron entering a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to it is a helix.
  • The magnetic field inside a long solenoid is uniform.
  • An ampere is the current that produces a force of 2 x 10^-7 N between two parallel conductors.
  • The force between two parallel conductors carrying current in the same direction is attractive.
  • Magnetic field lines around a conductor carrying current are concentric circles.
  • The direction of the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying wire is given by the right-hand grip rule.
  • The force on a conductor carrying a current in a magnetic field is perpendicular to both the current direction and the field.
  • The emf induced in a conductor moving in a magnetic field is proportional to its length.
  • The direction of the induced current in a loop rotating in a magnetic field reverses every half rotation.
  • An increase in the number of turns in a coil increases the induced emf.
  • Lenz’s law states that the direction of an induced current opposes the change causing it.
  • The frequency of an AC generator is determined by the speed of rotation.
  • A transformer changes high voltage and low current to low voltage and high current.
  • The primary coil in a transformer is connected to the input circuit.
  • A step-up transformer increases voltage and decreases current.
  • The secondary coil in a transformer is connected to the output circuit.
  • An inductor stores energy in its magnetic field.
  • Transformers only work with AC because of changing magnetic fields.
  • A step-down transformer decreases voltage and increases current.
  • The primary and secondary coils of a transformer are linked by mutual induction.
  • The wattage of a lamp is a measure of its power consumption.
  • Electric power is the rate of energy consumption or production.
  • The resistance of an ideal ammeter is zero.
  • A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by connecting a low resistance in parallel.
  • Electromotive force (emf) is measured in volts.
  • An ideal voltmeter has infinite resistance.
  • Ohm’s Law states that current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance.
  • The unit of electric energy is the kilowatt-hour (kWh).
  • The direction of conventional current flow is from positive to negative.
  • Electric field lines exit a positive charge and enter a negative charge.
  • Electric field lines are always directed away from positive charges.
  • The unit of electric flux is Nm²/C.
  • Gauss’s law is based on the principle of conservation of electric charge.
  • Electric field lines are closer together where the field is stronger.
  • The electric field inside a conductor is zero in electrostatic equilibrium.
  • The SI unit of electric potential is the volt.
  • The work done to move a charge between two points is given by the product of the charge and the potential difference.
  • Electric potential is a scalar quantity.

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