• Muhammadan Literary Society was founded by: Nawab Abdul Latif.
  • Sufi saints belong to “Chistia order”: Farid-ud-Din Ganj Shakar.
  • “Khyber Pass” is located in: Hindukush range.
  • Quit India Movement of 1942 was not true about: It was a nonviolent movement.
  • First fort constructed by the British in India: Fort St. George.
  • MAO College at Aligarh was started in: 1877.
  • Sir Syed Ahmed Khan retired as a Judge in: 1876.
  • Movement for the replacement of Urdu with Hindi: Northwestern Provinces.
  • Quaid-i-Azam’s interview hope for India and Pakistan settlement with: Switzerland.
  • Recent earthquake of October, 2005 was a result of: Tectonic dislocation.
  • At present, Pakistan has vast natural resources and items of minerals as many as: 52.
  • “Spiritual guide” referred to as shopkeepers by: Shah Waliullah.
  • In ____________ A.D., Subuktigin, a Turkish slave became the master of Ghazni: 977.
  • Medals won by Pakistan in the Islamic Solidarity Games 2017 held in Lahore: 8.
  • Agreement for cooperation signed during Turkish President Kenan Evren’s visit to Pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of: Defence production.
  • Swadeshi movement was launched to reverse the: Partition of Bengal.
  • Swat Valley is situated in the mountain range of: Hindukush.
  • “Sindhu Muhinje Saah Mein” Famous book of Sindhi literature, written by: Sheikh Ayaz.
  • Longest glacier in the Karakoram and second-longest in the world’s non-polar areas: Siachen Glacier.
  • Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by ________in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526: Babar.

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