• Microsoft was founded in the year “1975.”
    • In a computer, the element which is not a part of a chart is the “Fill handler.”
    • The main window in a computer spreadsheet is called a “Work sheet.”
    • To apply motion effects to different objects of a slide in PowerPoint, you use “Animation Scheme.”
    • The personal computer known as Macintosh was developed by “Apple.”
    • You can delete text by “selecting the text and pressing the DELETE key.”
    • The default style for new data keyed in a new workbook in Microsoft Excel is “Normal.”
    • The number of rows in one Microsoft Excel sheet is “1,048,576.”
    • The shortcut key “Ctrl + H” is used to bring up the “Find and Replace” dialog box in MS Word.
    • All formulas in Excel start with the “=” sign.
    • The fill effects that you can use for the slide background in PowerPoint include “Gradient, Texture, and Picture.”
    • MSI stands for “Medium Scale Integrated Circuits.”
    • The first generation of the computer includes machines like “UNIVAC.”
    • CAD stands for “Computer Aided Design.”
    • Information represents raw facts, whereas data made meaningful is “Information.”
    • A device that is not connected to the CPU is called an “Off-line device.”
    • The designer of the first electronic computer ENIAC was “J. Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly.”
    • A small or intelligent device is called so because it contains within it a “Sensor.”
    • RAM stands for “Random Access Memory.”
    • Data becomes “Information” when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use.

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