• Secretin inhibits the production of gastric juice.
    • Corpus luteum is a yellowish glandular structure that produces progesterone.
    • ATP is the form in which stent energy is regenerated by mitochondria.
    • Chlorophyll is a complex organic molecule with a central magnesium ion.
    • AB’ blood group is an example of codominance.
    • Test cross is used to find the genotype of an individual with dominant phenotype.
    • An RBC has 3-4 nuclear pores.
    • Yellow cytoplasm in ascidians gives rise to muscle cells.
    • The central metal ion in chlorophyll molecules is magnesium (Mg2+).
    • Okazaki fragments are connected together through the action of ligase.
    • Mitochondria and chloroplasts are self-replicating organelles.
    • Down’s syndrome is an autosomal disorder.
    • Kinetochore is the place where spindle fibers attach to the centromere during cell division.
    • Embryonic induction is caused by parts developing from mesoderm.
    • Sickle cell anemia is an example of point mutation.
    • Chromoplasts are plastids that help in pollination.
    • Chargaff’s rule states that purines and pyrimidines are in equal ratio in DNA.
    • Chlorophyll is an organic molecule.
    • Ribonucleo-protein particles are the name of eukaryotic ribosomes.
    • Emil Fischer proposed the Lock and Key model of enzyme-substrate interaction.

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