Biology Section 3

  • An antibody is made of 4 polypeptide chains.
  • 95% of the cytoplasm of RBCs is hemoglobin.
  • Sieve elements of phloem are directly involved in the transport of organic solutes.
  • Tuberculosis is an infectious disorder of the respiratory system.
  • Cuticular transpiration constitutes 5-7% of total transpiration.
  • Tension in the cohesion-tension theory is created by transpiration.
  • In fishes, deoxygenated blood first enters the sinus venosus.
  • Chlorofluorocarbons commonly cause ozone depletion.
  • The term “CELL” was coined by Robert Hook.
  • The “lubb” sound is produced due to the closure of the inlet valve.
  • Thermogenesis does not occur at a high temperature.
  • Rudolph Virchows first observed that new cells are formed from previously existing living cells.
  • In the Hardy-Weinberg formula, P2 represents the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals.
  • Linnaeus supported the theory of special creation.
  • The percentage of proteins in the cell membrane is 60-80%.
  • Gravity is the most constant abiotic component of an ecosystem.
  • Tropical rain forests are not found in Pakistan.
  • Passive transport does not require metabolic energy expenditure.
  • The productivity of an aquatic ecosystem is determined by light and nutrients.
  • The first layer of the cell wall formed is the primary wall.

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