• Phloem fibres are used for making ropes.
  • Mitochondria are also known as “Powerhouses of the cell.”
  • Biosensors are used to measure the concentration of specific biological compounds.
  • In the plant kingdom, cambium is the only tissue that is capable of cell division.
  • The number of nerve cells in an adult human is approximately 10 million.
  • Nitrate is not a reducing agent.
  • Cerebral hemispheres are the centres of intelligence, memory, learning, and emotional responses.
  • Homo habilis is considered the first toolmaker.
  • Rickets is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin D.
  • Microbes are used to increase the fertility of soil.
  • Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying pigment in human beings.
  • Enzymes are sensitive to temperature and pH and their activity can be influenced by these factors.
  • A saprophyte is an organism that feeds on dead and decaying matter.
  • The region of the chromosome that holds the two chromatids together after replication is called the centromere.
  • Vaccination involves the introduction of weakened or dead microbes into the body.
  • The average life span of RBCs in humans is 120 days.
  • Nucleus contains the genetic material.
  • Prokaryotic cells lack a true nucleus.
  • Protoplasm is made up of cytoplasm and nucleoplasm.
  • Schleiden and Schwann formulated the cell theory.

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