• The concept that various organisms dominated this planet during various geological time periods and placing organisms in a time sequence came from the studies of paleontologists.
    • A group of living organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time is called a population.
    • Control of organisms using living organisms is called biological control.
    • ATP is a micromolecule.
    • An unbroken series of organisms arranged from ancestor to descendant sequence is a phyletic lineage.
    • Out of the total organisms on Earth, 17.60% are vascular plants.
    • A structure formed by groups of similar cells organized into loose sheets or bundles performing similar functions is a tissue.
    • Oxygen accounts for 65% of the total human body mass.
    • Oxygen accounts for 65% of the total human body mass.
    • Oxygen accounts for 65% of the total human body mass.
    • Oxygen accounts for 65% of the total human body mass.
    • Hydrolysis is the breakdown of large molecules into smaller ones utilizing water molecules.
    • Pinocytosis is the intake of liquid material by the cell membrane.
    • Productive theories are predictive, have explanatory power, but do not discourage suggesting different hypotheses.
    • Golgi complex is concerned with cell secretions.
    • Synthetic insulin from pork was formed by biotechnology.
    • Microtubules are involved in the assembly and disassembly of the spindle during mitosis.
    • Ergotin is used to relieve one kind of headache, migraine.
    • Facultative bacteria grow either in the presence or absence of oxygen.
    • Older sediment layers have less amount of specific radioactive isotopes compared to young ones.

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