• The science of growing terrestrial plants in an aerated solution is hydroponics.
    • An educated guess is called a hypothesis.
    • Dolly, the sheep, was a highly successful clone from a somatic cell, reported back in 1996.
    • Crop rotation helps in the eradication of disease.
    • People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a larger number of Red Blood Cells.
    • The character that differentiates living things from non-living organisms is that they are highly organized and complex, made of one or more cells and contain genetic material.
    • Vitamin A is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina.
    • The average internal temperature of the human body is 37°C.
    • The study of fossils is called palaeontology.
    • About 70% of the body weight of a mammal is water.
    • The experiments on DNA molecules in chromosomes for knowing the basis of inherited diseases are conducted by molecular biologists.
    • On a wound, white blood cells fight foreign particles like bacteria.
    • Synthetic insulin from pork was formed by biotechnology.
    • Blood is carried towards the heart by veins.
    • The branch of biology which deals with the study of social behavior and communal life of human beings living in any environment is social biology.
    • Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin.
    • Out of 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, 16 are considered as bioelements.
    • Carbohydrates are needed as a source of energy for the vital activities of the body.
    • Oxygen accounts for 65% of the total human body mass.
    • The atoms of different elements combine with each other through ionic or covalent bonding to produce compounds; this stable form is called a molecule.

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