• The branch of Biology dealing with the use of data and techniques of engineering & technology concerning living organisms is bio-technology.
    • The branch in which organism’s life cycle, mode of transmission, and interaction with their hosts are studied is parasitology.
    • The molecules of living matter that provide building blocks are mostly based on carbon.
    • Human blood is an example of tissues.
    • With different chemical arrangements and the formation of complex molecules, life emerges at the level of cells.
    • Organelles are sub-cellular structures.
    • The functional unit of DNA is genes.
    • Various tissue types combine to make up organs.
    • Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the same area form a community.
    • A group of similar cells that perform a specific function is tissues.
    • DNA is an example of a molecule.
    • A group of very similar interbreeding organisms constitutes a species.
    • Members of one species inhabiting the same area form a population.
    • On the basis of collected facts and figures, a scientist formulates a factitive statement called a hypothesis.
    • Robert Hooke discovered cells.
    • Steps involved in the scientific method are Accumulated data → Hypothesis → Observation & experimentation → New data → Conclusion.
    • Malaria is associated with Anopheles Mosquito.
    • Biologist ‘Grass’ discovered the life cycle of Plasmodium in 1898.
    • The first antibiotic to be discovered was Penicillin.
    • Immunization by vaccination was first introduced by Edward Jenner in 1795.

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