US History One Liners Section 3


  • During the Cuban Crisis, President Kennedy demanded: Both of these.
  • The American commitment to prevent the spread of Communism was expressed in: The Truman Doctrine.
  • Europe’s rapid economic recovery after World War II was mainly due to: All of these.
  • Which of the following pertains to American involvement in World War II? All of these.
  • A major difference between World War I and World War II was: All of these.
  • Which of the following was a reason for the Great Depression? All of these.
  • The “White man’s burden” refers to: The assumed “Superiority of the white race with obligation to guide and develop “inferior” races.
  • The North American colonies enjoyed economic success because of: All of these.
  • During the height of European emigration between 1900 and 1910 most emigrants settled in: All of these.
  • The Americas changed from continents inhabited by people of Mongoloid stock to: All of these.
  • Large scale African slavery began as a means of: Supplying labor for New World plantations.
  • In addition to natural harbors and a hospitable climate, America was easily accessible because of its: Well developed interior waterways.
  • Eighteenth amendment pertained to: None of these.
  • Fourteenth amendment pertained to: All of these.
  • In 1989 Summit meeting between Bush and Gorbachev was held in: Malta.
  • Civil Rights Act was passed in: 1966.
  • In March 2001 George Bush announced rejection of Kyoto Protocol of: 2001.
  • President Carter secured senate ratification of treaties to return Panama Canal to Panama by: 1999.
  • The Fair Deal was named given to the domestic program of Harry Truman: All of these.
  • First shipload of Negroes landed in Virginia in: 1619.
  • The Pilgrim reached Plymouth in: 1620.
  • Thomas Jefferson wrote ‘Declaration of Independence’ in: 1776.
  • Boston Tea Party was an act of: Throwing Tea into the water.
  • The Americans signed a Treaty of alliance with France in: 1778.
  • General Cornwallis Surrendered at: Yorktown.
  • The Constitution of the USA was adopted in: 1789.
  • George Washington was elected as the President of America for the first time in: 1789.
  • The first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of America was: John Jay.
  • The first capital of the United States of America was: New York.
  • The statue of Liberty was donated to USA by: France.
  • Locomotive was invented by Peter Couper in: 1830.
  • United States of America Steel Corporation was established in: 1901.
  • America entered World War-I in: 1917.
  • Alva Edison invented Phonograph in: 1877.
  • Elijah Muhammad assumed leadership of the Black Muslims Movement in: 1934.
  • Korean war started in: 1950.
  • David Eisenhower was elected U.S. President (I term) in: 1952.
  • Who had said, ‘Ask not what your country do for you’, say what you can do for your country? John F. Kennedy.
  • Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize in: 1964.
  • American Troops finally left Vietnam after the end of the war in: 1973
  • The country with the highest number of Jews is Israel.
  • The Big Brother policy was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine introduced by James G. Blaine.
  • The first shipload of Negroes landed in Virginia in 1619.
  • The capital punishment in America is followed in 32 states.
  • The first US census was conducted in 1790.
  • The US President during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was John F. Kennedy.
  • The US President during the Gulf War was George H. W. Bush.
  • The first woman speaker of the US Congress was Nancy Pelosi.
  • The 19th Amendment to the USA’s constitution granted the right to vote to women.
  • The author of the famous “I Have a Dream” speech was Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The largest contributor to the UNO budget is the USA.
  • The concept of public Internet litigation originated in the USA.
  • “Diego Garcia” island is a USA military base in the Indian Ocean.
  • The US President during the U-2 incident was Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • The founder of the American Republican Party was Alexander Hamilton.
  • The youngest president of the USA was John F. Kennedy.
  • The president of the USA at the time of the Gulf War was George H. W. Bush.
  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.
  • The President of the USA during World War II was Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • The first American to reach the North Pole in 1909 was Robert E. Peary.
  • The US President during the Gulf War was George H. W. Bush.
  • The Congress of the USA sits at Capitol Hills near the White House.
  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.
  • The founder of the American Republican Party was Alexander Hamilton.
  • The Congress of the USA sits at Capitol Hills near the White House.
  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.
  • The US President during the Gulf War was George H. W. Bush.
  • The Congress of the USA sits at Capitol Hills near the White House.
  • The first Federal judicial system in the world was introduced by the USA.
  • Black Panthers is a movement by American Negros.
  • The concept of public Internet litigation originated in the USA.
  • “Diego Garcia” island is a USA military base in the Indian Ocean.
  • The 16th American president was Abraham Lincoln.
  • The President of the USA at the time of the U-2 incident was Dwight Eisenhower.
  • The US Virgin Islands were sold to America by Denmark.
  • George Washington led the revolt against the British and declared American Independence.
  • The land known as the US Virgin Islands was sold by Denmark.
  • The American company that manufactures F-16 fighter jets is General Dynamics.
  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.
  • The largest contributor to the UNO budget is the USA.
  • Harvard University was established in 1636.
  • The country that sold land to America for the US Virgin Islands was Denmark.
  • The American president praised by Adolf Hitler in his autobiography was Henry Ford.
  • Neil Alden Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon in 1969.
  • The President of the USA during World War I was Woodrow Wilson.
  • The President of the USA during World War II was Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • The 49th State of the USA was Alaska.
  • Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese Air Force on December 7, 1941.
  • The biggest state in terms of area in the USA is Alaska.
  • The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from France.
  • Pentagon is the military headquarters of the USA.
  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.
  • President Richard Nixon resigned on August 8, 1974.
  • The youngest elected president of the USA was John F. Kennedy.
  • The U-2 incidents occurred during the Cold War in 1960.
  • The country with the highest number of Jews is Israel.
  • The Big Brother policy was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine introduced by James G. Blaine.
  • The first shipload of Negroes landed in Virginia in 1619.
  • The capital punishment in America is followed in 32 states.
  • The first US census was conducted in 1790.

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