Political Thought of Plato

  • The ancient philosopher who wrote “The Republic” was Plato.
  • Plato founded the Academy in 387 B.C.
  • The mentor of Plato was Socrates.
  • Plato was a philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the Academy in Athens.
  • Plato’s teacher was Socrates.
  • Aristotle was the student of Plato.
  • Plato, along with Socrates and Aristotle, laid the foundations of Western philosophy and science.
  • Eudoxus, a student of Plato, developed the system of concentric spheres.
  • Eudoxus was born in the Cnidus Peninsula.
  • Plato said, “Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy…”
  • Plato said, “He who is of a calm and happy nature…”
  • Eudoxus had a great influence on Euclid and Ptolemy.
  • Menaechmus was a pupil of Eudoxus.
  • Plato’s work influenced by pythagorean ideas was “Timaeus.”
  • In “The Symposium,” Aristophanes suggests that humans seek their missing halves.
  • Plato’s work describing Socrates’ trial and defense is “The Apology.”
  • Plato’s writings are mostly in the form of dialogues.
  • Plato’s method of attaining proofs was established in “Meno.”
  • Plato shared the view that the universe is perfect with Aristotle.
  • In Plato’s “The Republic,” he argues against censorship.
  • Socrates’ dialogues with Thaetetus primarily discuss the nature of human knowledge.
  • Raphael depicted Plato and Aristotle in “The School of Athens.”
  • Plato was born in 427 B.C.
  • Plato died in 347 B.C.
  • Plato was born in Athens.
  • Plato died in Athens.
  • Plato died at the age of 80 years.
  • In Plato’s ‘The Republic,” philosopher-kings should rule over society.
  • Socrates argues against unregulated literature and music in Athens.
  • Callipus developed the system of concentric spheres in Aristotle’s favor.
  • Plato is one of the ‘big three’ in ancient Greek philosophers.
  • Aristotle estimated the solar year to be 365 days and six hours long.
  • Heracleides suggested that the Earth rotates on its axis and the solar system might be heliocentric.
  • Menaechmus initiated the study of conic sections.
  • Plato’s writings take the form of dialogues

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