Physics Section 10

  • The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are ML^-1T^-1.
  • Terminal velocity is both uniform and maximum.
  • When the body moves with terminal velocity, the acceleration in the body becomes 0.
  • Terminal velocity is given by the equation Vt = 2gr^2/9ρ.
  • Terminal velocity of the body is directly proportional to the square of the diameter of the body.
  • The flow of an ideal fluid is streamline.
  • The drag force is given by Stokes law.
  • When a fluid is incompressible, the density of the fluid is constant.
  • Irregular flow of fluid is called turbulent.
  • According to the equation of continuity, A1V1 = A2V2 = flow rate.
  • The equation of continuity is obtained by applying the law of conservation of mass.
  • Velocity of fluid increases where the pressure is low.
  • Speed of efflux can be determined by applying Torricelli’s theorem.
  • Blood vessels are not rigid.
  • Concentration of red cells in blood is about 50%.
  • A man standing near a fast-moving train may fall towards the train.
  • For which position does the maximum blood pressure in the body have the smallest value? Laying horizontally.
  • Two fog droplets with radii 2:3 have terminal velocities of 4:09.
  • Bernoulli’s equation is obtained by applying the law of conservation of energy.
  • Venturi meter is used to measure fluid pressure.
  • In cricket, when a bowler produces reverse swing, the ball will move towards the shining side of the ball.
  • Stokes law is applicable if the body has a spherical shape.
  • One torr is equal to 133.3 Nm^-2.
  • Systolic pressure is high blood pressure.
  • The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called a sphygmomanometer.
  • A chimney works best if the air exposed to the chimney is moving fast.
  • The effect of the decrease in pressure with the increase of the speed of the fluid in a horizontal pipe is known as the Venturi effect.
  • Ideal fluid possesses all properties.
  • Venturi relation is P1 – P2 = 1/2 ρV^2.
  • Laminar flow usually occurs at low speeds.
  • Sphygmomanometers measure blood pressure dynamically.
  • The carburettor of a car is an application of Venturi meter and Bernoulli equation.
  • Blood flow is laminar at systolic pressure.
  • The profile of an airplane wing that lifts it up is called an aerofoil profile.
  • Bernoulli’s equation is applicable for both laminar and turbulent flow.
  • The density of human blood is nearly equal to water.
  • The speed of the fluid is maximum in the venturi meter at the throat.
  • The normal blood pressure range for a human body is 120 to 80 torr.
  • For turbulent flow, the path of the fluid particles cannot be tracked.
  • In vibratory motion, total energy remains constant.
  • The waveform of simple harmonic motion is a sine wave.
  • The SI unit of frequency is Hertz.
  • In S.H.M., the velocity of a particle is maximum at the mean position.
  • The acceleration of a projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a circle is w^2x.
  • The total energy of a body executing S.H.M is directly proportional to the square of an amplitude.
  • The time period of a second pendulum is 2 seconds.
  • The length of the second pendulum is 99.2 cm.
  • If the length of the second pendulum becomes four times, then its time period will become 2 times.
  • The force responsible for the vibratory motion of the simple pendulum is mg sinθ.
  • The frequency of the second pendulum is 0.5 hertz.
  • Simple harmonic motion is a type of vibratory motion.
  • The SI unit of force constant is identical with that of surface tension.
  • When the amplitude of a wave becomes double, its energy becomes four times.
  • A simple pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a lift has an infinite time period when the lift falls freely.
  • The energy of SHM is maximum at all positions during SHM.
  • The product of the frequency and time period is equal to 1.
  • The length of the second pendulum is 99.2 cm.
  • If the displacement of SHM is written as X = X’sinθt, then the phase constant will be 90°.
  • For what displacement does the P.E become 1/4 of its maximum value? x = x’/2.
  • The bulb does not work according to resonance.
  • The restoring force acting on the simple pendulum is caused by gravity.
  • The phase of SHM describes both displacement and direction of motion.
  • The sharpness of resonance is inversely proportional to the damping force.
  • The natural frequency of a simple pendulum depends on the square root of its length.
  • Electrical resonance is observed in radios.
  • The total distance traveled by a bob of the simple pendulum in one vibration is 4 times the amplitude.
  • When K.E energy of SHM is maximum, all P.E, acceleration, and restoring force are zero.
  • In damped harmonic oscillation, both amplitude and energy decrease.
  • Forced vibration is known as driven harmonic vibration.
  • The mass attached to a spring executes both vibratory and circular motion.
  • At Murree Hills, if we use a simple pendulum as a time standard, one-second duration will increase.
  • The velocity of the mass attached to a spring is maximum at the mean position.
  • The projection of the particle moving in a circle with non-uniform speed executes both vibratory motion and none SHM.
  • The displacement of the body in S.H.M is equal to the amplitude when the body is at the extreme position.
  • For a simple pendulum, the restoring force is caused by gravity.
  • The distance covered by a body in one complete vibration is 5 cm, so the amplitude is 5 cm.
  • In a microwave oven, milk will be heated up only, and the cup will remain cool.
  • In case of a simple pendulum, the cause of damping is the drag force of air.
  • The energy absorbed by a body is maximum at resonance.
  • The relativistic energy E is equivalent to relativistic mass given by E/c^2.
  • γ-rays have the strongest photons among the provided radiations.
  • The mass of 0.001 kg is equivalent to 25.00 GWh.
  • Newton’s laws of motion are not valid in an accelerated (non-inertial) frame of reference.
  • The wavelength of a photon entering a transparent denser medium is shorter, so its energy remains the same.
  • The linear momentum of a photon is zero.
  • Stopping potential for a metal surface in case of photoelectric emission depends on the frequency of incident light and work function of the metal surface.
  • The change in wavelength is maximum in Compton scattering if the angle of scattering is 180°.
  • The existence of Ether wind was experimentally rejected by the Michelson-Morley experiment.
  • The rest mass of a photon is zero.
  • Einstein’s photoelectric equation is given by 1/2 mvmax^2 = hf – Φ.
  • The velocity of light entering into a denser medium decreases, and thus the energy of light remains the same.
  • Rest mass of a photon is zero.
  • Relativistic energy E is equivalent to relativistic mass given by E/c^2.
  • The relativistic energy E is equivalent to relativistic mass given by E/c^2.
  • A photon is a quantum of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Davison Germer experiment indicates electron diffraction.
  • A photon is a quantum of electromagnetic radiation.
  • 103 photons of wavelength 2 pm (γ-rays) have the largest energy content.
  • The rate of emission of photons is speed of light.
  • The energy of light remains the same after traveling through a vacuum and entering a transparent denser medium.

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