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- City of Pakistan famous for sports goods: Sialkot.
- Old name of Faisalabad: Lyallpur.
- Shortest-serving Chief Justice of Pakistan: Mohammad Haleem.
- Pakistan NH&MP Motorway Police was established in: 1997.
- First session of the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan held on: 10th August 1947.
- Act of 1935 contained how many schedules: 10.
- First and only COAS to give a briefing to the upper house of Pakistan: Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa.
- The Indus Waters Treaty water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan was brokered by: World Bank.
- “Zardak” is the highest peak of: Sulaiman range.
- The Soan and the Haro are the two rivers of: Potohar Plateau.
- The Kuka movement started in mid-Nineteenth century in: Western Punjab.
- The battle of Dharmat was fought between: Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas.
- Governor of Sindh after Muhammad Bin Qasim: Habib bin Muhallab.
- Number of Prime Ministers till 1958: 7.
- Translation Society (Scientific society) established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in: Ghazipur.
- Iqbal’s poem recited at the annual session of Anjuman Hamayat Islam in 1911, poetically called: Shikwa.
- Relics of stone tools from Pleistocene period discovered in: Punjab.
- Pakistan’s right to use exclusively the water of: Sutleg, Chenab, and Jhelum.
- Shandur Pass connects: Chitral with Gilgit.
- Solar power park set up in Bahawalpur at the cost of Rs. 15 billion with Chinese assistance is called: Quaid-i-Azam Solar Power Park.