62. The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats is known as: Coercion.
63. Something which is incapable of being seen through is known as: Opaque.
64. Killing of a large group of people is called: Genocide.
65. A broad road bordered with trees is: Boulevard.
66. That which is out of place is: Incongruous.
67. Matter written by hand is: Manuscript.
68. The doctor known as an eye specialist is: Ophthalmologist.
69. Fear of heights is: Acrophobia.
70. One who has a good taste for food is: Gourmet.
71. The murder of a brother is: Fratricide.
72. One who abandons his religious faith is: Apostate.
73. A part of a word that can be pronounced separately is: Syllable.
74. A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land is known as: Isthmus.
75. Something which is capable of being seen through is known as: Transparent.
76. A community of people smaller than a village is: Hamlet.
77. Detaining and confining someone is: Internment.
78. An odd, atypical, or eccentric trait is: Idiosyncrasy.
79. A statement that can have a double meaning is: Ambiguous.
80. The practice of pretending to have feelings that one does not really have is: Hypocrisy.

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