41. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he/she thinks is a mistake or unwise is: Iconoclast.
42. The time when two people have a romantic relationship before they get married is: Courtship.
43. Responsible according to law is: Liable.
44. An unexpected piece of good fortune is: Windfall.
45. A doctor who treats children is called: Pediatrician.
46. Government by the rich is: Plutocracy.
47. A disease which spreads by contact is: Contagious.
48. Commencement of words with the same letter is: Alliteration.
49. A group of birds or a flock flying together in hundreds or even in thousands is called: Murmuration.
50. A person fluent in two languages is known as: Bilingual.
51. One who is present everywhere is known as: Omnipresent.
52. The killing of one’s mother is called: Matricide.
53. Practice of employing spies in war is: Espionage.
54. That never fails is: Infallible.
55. Which is bound to be done is: Indispensable.
56. An emolument over and above fixed income or salary is: Perquisite.
57. A person who is unable to pay his debts is called: Insolvent.
58. An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute is: Arbitrator.
59. A person who is indifferent to pains and pleasures of life is: Stoic.
60. A hater of knowledge and learning is: Misologist.
61. One who lacks knowledge is: Ignorant.