Muslim Political Thought

  • Al-Farabi, born in 870 A.D., is known as the second teacher.
  • Al-Farabi died in 950 A.D.
  • Al-Farabi’s writings reconciled Greek thought and Islamic Shariat.
  • Al-Farabi wrote “Ara Madinatul Fazila.”
  • Al-Farabi attempted to reconcile Greek thought and Islamic Shariat.
  • Al-Farabi’s works include commentaries on Plato and Aristotle.
  • Al-Farabi is an authority on Greek philosophers.
  • Al-Farabi authored a summary of Plato’s Law.
  • Al-Farabi was born a Turk.
  • Al-Farabi popularized Aristotle’s works in the West.
  • ‘Muqaddamah’ is not written by Al-Farabi.
  • Al-Farabi studied under Abu Bish Matta in Baghdad.
  • Al-Farabi learned from Jilad al-Harran, a Christian savant.
  • Al-Farabi is known as the ‘second teacher,’ following Aristotle.
  • Al-Farabi excelled in Arabic Language and Literature.
  • Al-Farabi was born in the village of Warij.
  • Siyasat al Madina was written by Al-Farabi.
  • Madinat-ul-Fazla is the best form of state according to Farabi.
  • In the state of necessity, citizens aim to acquire the needs of life, according to Farabi.
  • The vicious state is considered useless by Farabi.
  • The ideal state represents peace and property, as per Farabi.
  • The vile state seeks to acquire maximum money, according to Farabi.
  • Al-Farabi was impressed by Aristotle.
  • Al-Mawardi was born in 974 A.D.
  • Al-Mawardi died in 1058 A.D.
  • Al-Mawardi wrote “Al-Akam al-Sultaniyah.”
  • Al-Mawardi was born in Baghdad.
  • Al-Mawardi was an expert in the Law of the Shariat.
  • Al-Mawardi stuck to the condition that the Caliph must be from the house of Quresh.
  • Al-Mawardi started his career as a professor of law and jurisprudence.
  • Al-Mawardi belongs to the Shafite school of Fiqha.
  • Al-Ghazali was born in 1058 A.D. and died in 1111 A.D.
  • “Ihya-e-eUloom-ud-Din” is a notable work by Al-Ghazali.
  • Al-Ghazali is known as “The Philosopher.”
  • Shah Walliullah was born in 1703 in Delhi.
  • Shah Walliullah died in 1762 A.D.
  • Shah Walliullah wrote “Hujjat-ul-Baligha.”
  • Shah Walliullah rejected the Western Ideal of Nationalism.
  • Allama Iqbal was born in 1877 and died in 1938.
  • Allama Iqbal went to England in 1905 for higher education.
  • Allama Iqbal was tutored by Maulvi Syed Mir Hassan.
  • Allama Iqbal wrote “Payam-e-Mashrik.”
  • In 1899, Allama Iqbal passed his M.A. in Philosophy from Govt. College Lahore.
  • During his M.A. Philosophy, Allama Iqbal met Professor Arnold.
  • Allama Iqbal was given the title of Sir in 1923.
  • Allama Iqbal wrote in Urdu and Persian languages.
  • Allama Iqbal gave his historical Allahabad address in 1930.
  • Allama Iqbal’s shrine is located in Lahore.
  • Allama Iqbal is known as the “Poet of the East.”
  • Sheikh Noor Muhammad was the father of Allama Iqbal.
  • Imam Bibi was the mother of Allama Iqbal.
  • Allama Iqbal did his M.A. in Philosophy from Government College Lahore in 1899.
  • During his M.A. Philosophy, Allama Iqbal met Professor Arnold.
  • Allama Iqbal went to England in 1905 for higher education.
  • In 1926, Allama Iqbal became a member of the Punjab Council.
  • Allama Iqbal’s shrine is located in Lahore.
  • The system of judicial review exists in the U.S.A.
  • In the U.S.S.R, there is no system of rule of law.
  • Allama Iqbal wrote “Introduction to the Law of the Constitution.”
  • The U.S.A has a system of judicial review.

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