• The reward of Namaz-e-Ishraq is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umrah.
  • There are 37 Surahs in the 30th Chapter (Parah) of the Quran.
  • The battle that came to an end without result was Tabook.
  • Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was from the city of ‘Ur’ located in Mesopotamia.
  • The major part of the Quran is revealed at night time.
  • The first commander of the Islamic army was Hazrat Hamza (RA).
  • Aitekaaf (Seclusion) during the month of Ramzan is Sunnah.
  • Tahleeq is the cutting of hair.
  • There are four types of Ijma.
  • Makki Surahs were revealed over a period of 13 years.
  • Surah Baqarah contains 286 verses.
  • The other name of Surah Fatiha is Umm al-Kitab.
  • Friday is called Sayeed-ul-Ayam.
  • Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had 1 brother & 2 sisters.
  • There are 4 farz in Wuzoo.
  • Jannat al-Baqi is located in Madina.
  • The first daughter of our Holy Prophet (SAW) was Hazrat Zainab (RA).
  • The fourth month of the Islamic Calendar is Rabi-us-Sani.
  • The best month mentioned in the Holy Quran is Ramadan.
  • Fasting is called the shield against sins.
  • Shab-e-Qadar is the most important night in the month of Ramzan.

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