921. Syntax refers to the study of constructing sentences.
922. Penang is the seaport of Malaysia.
923. The Quranic surah Al-Ikhlas means “The Purity.”
924. The world’s largest Arabic audio library was launched in Dubai, UAE.
925. The currency of Iraq is the Dinar.
926. The national flag of the USA has 50 white stars.
927. The Greek goddess of war and wisdom is Athena.
928. The largest island in the Caribbean Sea is Cuba.
929. The name of the Germany parliament is Bundestag.
930. Idi Amin spent his exile period and eventually died in Saudi Arabia.
931. The author of the book “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” is Mohsin Hamid.
932. The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia.
933. Baseball is the national game of the United States of America.
934. “Leaves of Grass” was written by Walt Whitman.
935. The famous city “Aberdeen” is in Scotland.
936. According to the UN’s 2017 report, there are 258 million international migrants today.
937. World Soil Day is celebrated on December 5th.
938. The political party of Mussolini is the Fascist Party.
939. The FIFA Ballon d’Or 2017 award for the world’s best player was won by Crisitiano Ronaldo.
940. Lake Turkana is the world’s biggest desert lake.

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