Geography One Liners Section 1


  • Lignite is a sedimentary rock.
  • The specific gravity of Sima (layer) lies between 2.75 and 2.90.
  • The water that trickles down the side of a cave and deposits carbonate of lime in layers is called Stalagmite.
  • Peneplains are a type of erosional plains.
  • Mountain belts are the relief features of the first order.
  • According to Krummel, water covers 70.8% of the globe.
  • The Pacific Ocean is roughly triangular in shape.
  • The seismic sea wave travels at a speed of 200 to 300 KM per hour.
  • The center of the moon is about 240,000 miles from the center of the earth.
  • Globigerina ooze is made up chiefly of Foraminifera.
  • Ordnance maps were first made in the sixteenth century.
  • The largest scale maps are generally known as cadastral maps.
  • The best-suited projection for a map of Tundras is Zenithal.
  • To show the distribution of animals on a map, the dot method is preferred.
  • The symbol “>->->——->—->” is used to show a storm on a weather map.
  • For every 900 ft of rise in elevation, the mercury column falls 1/30.
  • Clouds and ground reflection cause a loss of 25% of the radiant energy of the Sun.
  • Any object moving horizontally in the northern hemisphere tends to deflect to the right.
  • The type of clouds that cause hail is called Cumulonimbus.
  • Tropical Desert and Steppe climates occur between latitudes 15° to 35° N and S.
  • Warsak Dam is situated on the Kabul River.
  • Urbanization started with the Industrial Revolution.
  • Gulf of Bothnia is located between Sweden and Finland.
  • The arrangement of the following Passes according to their heights from sea level is Babusar Pass(1), Shandur Pass(2), Gomal Pass(3), Bolan Pass(4).
  • The leading fishing country in the world is Japan.
  • Naples is a seaport of Italy.
  • Rubber is mainly grown in Southeast Asia.
  • The largest desert among the following is the Arabian Desert.
  • Isle of Wight is situated in the English Channel.
  • Tirana is the capital of Albania.
  • Bali Island is situated in Indonesia Island.
  • The largest river among these is the Amazon.
  • Blanc is situated in France.
  • The highest mountain peak among these is Godwin Austen.
  • Great Salt Lake is situated in Utah State.
  • The largest mountain range is the Himalayas.
  • Port Palermo is located in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • “Gulf of Carpentaria” is in the Pacific Ocean.
  • “Cape York Peninsula” is in Australia.
  • The highest capital city located in the world is La Pez.
  • The instrument used for the measurement of wind speed is called an anemometer.
  • Vernal equinox occurs on September 23.
  • Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 mm.
  • When there is an active upward ascent of lighter warm air over the cold dense air, the front is called a warm front.
  • On 21st of June, the sun shines vertically on the Tropic of Cancer.
  • The hot molten material erupted from a volcano is called lava.
  • The point in the earth from where seismic waves spread out in all directions is the earthquake focus.
  • The continental crust ranges from 20 to 70 Km in thickness.
  • Marble is a metamorphic rock.
  • Yardang is produced by wind.
  • Continental glacier produces a U-shaped valley.
  • The deepest point in the ocean bottom is in the Pacific Ocean.
  • The flat ocean bottom lying near the continents is called Archipelagic Apron.
  • Benguela current flows near the western coast of Africa.
  • Waves are caused by winds.
  • Conical Projection is best suited for Polar Regions.
  • Zero-degree meridian is 5° West of Prime Meridian.
  • A map on RF 1:2400 will be a large-scale map.
  • Lines showing places of equal rainfall are called isopleths.
  • Sea water contains on average about 3.5% salt.
  • The technical base for the earliest urban civilization was agriculture.
  • Modern man evolved on the earth at least 300,000 to 100,000 years back.
  • Han, Asoka, and Roman dynasties were characterized by urban culture.
  • Thinly spread food gatherers still occupy most of Latin America.
  • Nile Valley is located in North Africa.
  • Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar.
  • Shanty towns are a feature of African large towns.
  • Sadza, a stiff maize porridge, is the staple food of Zimbabwe.
  • Water resources are the basis for a country’s development in Sudan.
  • The largest producer of coffee in Africa is Ethiopia.
  • The largest producer of tea in Africa is Kenya.
  • The largest producer of cocoa in Africa is Ghana.
  • The largest producer of cotton in Africa is Egypt.
  • The largest producer of palm oil in Africa is Nigeria.
  • The largest producer of rubber in Africa is Liberia.
  • The largest producer of sugar in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of tobacco in Africa is Zimbabwe.
  • The largest producer of copper in Africa is Zambia.
  • The largest producer of gold in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of diamonds in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of iron ore in Africa is Liberia.
  • The largest producer of bauxite in Africa is Guinea.
  • The largest producer of tin in Africa is Nigeria.
  • The largest producer of uranium in Africa is Namibia.
  • The largest producer of coal in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of oil in Africa is Nigeria.
  • The largest producer of natural gas in Africa is Algeria.
  • The largest producer of hydroelectricity in Africa is Egypt.
  • The largest producer of geothermal energy in Africa is Kenya.
  • The largest producer of solar energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of wind energy in Africa is Egypt.
  • The largest producer of nuclear energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of biomass energy in Africa is Kenya.
  • The largest producer of tidal energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of wave energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of hydrogen energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of ethanol energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of biodiesel energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of fuel cell energy in Africa is South Africa.
  • The largest producer of hydrogen fuel in Africa is South Africa.

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