761. Radon is the noble gas that is not present in the atmosphere.
762. Albert Einstein stated that matter can be converted into energy.
763. Tyndall effect is related to the scattering of light.
764. Reverse osmosis is used in water purification.
765. Diamond is harder than graphite due to the difference in crystalline structure.
766. Birth control pills contain synthetic hormones.
767. NASA scientists have recently detected water vapor on Jupiter’s moon Europa.
768. Selenium is a non-metal that is not a poor conductor of electricity.
769. The distance of a place South or North of the equator is called latitude.
770. Botany is also called phytology.
771. Permanent hardness of water due to sulfate of metals can be destroyed by the use of zeolites.
772. A mixture of sand and naphthalene can be separated by sublimation.
773. The scientific study of fingerprints is called dactylography.
774. Pig iron is also called cast iron.
775. The gas usually filled in an electric bulb is nitrogen.
776. The expected number of RBCs in a single drop, or microliter, of blood in men is 4.5 to 6.2 million.
777. In places where the temperature of the air is below the freezing point of water, the precipitation will be in the form of snow.
778. Earth is known as the watery planet.
779. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called terrestrial planets.
780. The study of geographical areas, plant, and animal distribution is called chorology.

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