641. Carbon, diamond, and graphite are together called allotropes.
642. Neutrons became late to discover because they do not carry any charge.
643. If steel is heated to a temperature well below red heat and is then cooled slowly, the process is called annealing.
644. The ozone molecule contains covalent bonding.
645. The normal range of the number of white blood cells in a microliter of blood is between 4,500 and 10,000.
646. 100 grams of natural honey contains approximately 304 Calories.
647. Human eyes have seven bones.
648. Cutting speed greatly affects tool wear.
649. The study of forces acting upon bodies in motion in the air is called aerodynamics.
650. The solar system was discovered by Nicolaus Copernicus.
651. Red blood cells are produced in bone marrow.
652. Bt seed is associated with cotton.
653. High blood sugar levels in the stomach can be controlled by insulin.
654. Carbon, diamond, and graphite are together called allotropes.
655. Pellagra is a disease that affects the skin.
656. The blackest fish in the oceans is the Black Dragon fish.
657. Biogas is commonly generated from animal wastes.
658. For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, if volume decreases, pressure increases.
659. The human body breathes in between 15,000 to 20,000 liters of air each day.
660. A pyrometer is an instrument used for measuring very high temperatures.

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