561. Insulin drug was discovered by Sir Frederick Grant Banting.
562. Antares is one of the largest known Red Supergiants Stars.
563. Water is a universal solvent for Biochemical reactions.
564. Rate of evaporation of petrol is greater than that of water at room temperature because Petrol molecules do not have any hydrogen bond.
565. Each electron in an atom must have its own unique set of quantum numbers is a statement of Pauli exclusion principle.
566. Rainfall related to mountains is Orographic rainfall.
567. The Pyramid of energy in any ecosystem may be upright or inverted.
568. The Stevenson screen contains all of these EXCEPT Anemometer.
569. Rancidity produced in butter can be decreased by adding quinoline to the butter. This statement shows that Quinoline is an inhibitor.
570. The kind of soil treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping is Alkaline soil.
571. The Virus of AIDS affects the growth of T cells in blood.
572. The world’s largest mangrove forest is Sundarbans Forest.
573. The protein content of the edible portion of an egg is 13.3%.
574. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) aids in oxidation of glucose.
575. An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are implicated is called Chip.
576. The atmospheric greenhouse effect is produced mainly by the Absorption and reemission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere.
577. The pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is always upright.
578. Types of bones in the human body are Long, short, irregular, and Flat.
579. The species that flower are called Angiosperms.
580. The unit of distance Light Year is not a unit of distance.

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