521. The natural source of hydrocarbon is Crude oil.
522. Treadmill training is prescribed for the injured athlete for the purpose of improving Muscle endurance.
523. The element common to all acids is Hydrogen.
524. An ordinary mobile phone communicates by using Radio waves.
525. The percentage of water present in our brain is 73%.
526. The person who discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe is Nicolaus Copernicus.
527. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in Night blindness.
528. The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is Oxygen.
529. 1 nanometer = 10^-9 meter.
530. GPS is an abbreviation for Global Positioning System.
531. The planets visible to us without using a telescope are 5.
532. Deficiency of zinc causes loss of appetite and poor growth.
533. The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is Water.
534. The fourth state of matter is Plasma.
535. Addison’s disease is caused by the deficiency of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone.
536. One of the main functions of the Earth’s ozone layer is to Filter out ultraviolet rays.
537. The role of biotechnology in the production of food is based on Fermentation.
538. Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin.
539. Most of the Asteroids lie in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
540. A non-metallic mineral is Gypsum.

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