
  • The words ‘Demos’ and ‘Cratio’ belong to the Greek language.
  • ‘Demos’ stands for power.
  • ‘Cratio’ stands for people.
  • Democracy is a form of government where everyone has a share.
  • Democracy is a government in which the will of the majority of qualified persons rules.
  • Democracy is the government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
  • In democracy, sovereignty resides among the people.
  • In true democracy, the interests looked after are those of the people as a whole.
  • In a democratic society, people are valued based on their abilities and capabilities.
  • Direct democracy is practiced in Switzerland.
  • An important advantage of democracy is that people get political education.
  • Democracy has been preferred because people are participants in the law-making process.
  • Democracy has come under criticism because it is a government of amateurs.
  • An essential condition for the success of democracy is an educated electorate.
  • Democracy can succeed where people have the spirit of toleration.
  • Democracy develops creative thinking among masses.
  • In a democracy, prominence is given to citizens.
  • Western democracies’ parliaments are based on the party system.
  • Rousseau championed the cause of direct democracy.
  • Modern democracy functions on the principle that people have ultimate power.
  • Success of democracy depends on giving the people the right to criticize the government.
  • Democracy can function successfully in a small-sized country.
  • Direct elections involve voters directly electing their representatives.
  • Liberal democracy involves active involvement of people in politics.
  • Fundamental rights are denied in liberal democracy.
  • Indirect elections involve elected representatives choosing members.
  • In democracy, public opinion represents the opinion of dominant sections based on common good.
  • Locke is associated with the liberal theory of democracy.
  • Green emphasized collective well-being as a condition of individual freedom in the liberal theory of democracy.
  • Socialists believe that economic democracy is essential for political freedom.
  • Real democracy is one in which adult franchise exists.
  • The potential threat to democracy according to Western thinkers is from communists.
  • Elitist theory believes that power is controlled by a small group of elites.
  • The concept of ‘power elite’ is associated with C. Wright Mills.
  • Pluralist theory of democracy holds that power is shared by the government and other groups.
  • The successful working of democracy depends on an educated electorate and local government.
  • Democracy promotes general welfare and averts revolutions.
  • Democracy is based on the principle of majority rule.
  • Marxian democracy stands for popular control over the means of production and distribution.
  • Initiative allows people to suggest legislative measures not enacted by the legislature.
  • Direct democracy is not feasible in modern times due to the practical difficulties posed by the size and population of modern states.
  • Rousseau championed the cause of direct democracy.
  • Western democracy faces criticism for promoting apathy towards politics, vast socioeconomic inequalities, and monopoly over the means of communication.
  • Democracy originates from the Greek words ‘demos’ and ‘cratia’.
  • The word ‘Cratio’ stands for: Power.
  • Who said that ‘democracy is a form of government in which everyone has a share’? Gettell.
  • Who defined democracy saying that ‘democracy is a form of Government in which the will of the majority of the qualified persons rules’? Bryce.
  • Who said that democracy is the Government of the people for the people and by the people? Lincoln.
  • In democracy, sovereignty resides in: Among the people.
  • In true democracy, interests looked after are those of: People as a whole.
  • In a democratic society, people are valued on the basis of: Their abilities and capabilities.
  • Land of direct democracy is: Switzerland.
  • One of the important advantages of democracy is that: The people get political education.
  • Democracy has been preferred because: The people are participants in the law-making process.
  • Democracy has come under criticism these days because: It is government of the amateurs.
  • One of the essential conditions for the success of democracy is that the people should be: Educated.
  • Democracy can succeed in a country: Where people have the spirit of toleration.
  • One of the features of democracy is that it: Develops creative thinking among masses.
  • In a democracy, who gets prominence: The citizens.
  • In Western democracies, Parliaments are based on: Party system.
  • Out of the following who championed the cause of direct democracy? Rousseau.
  • Modern democracy functions on the principle that: People have ultimate power.
  • Success of democracy depends on giving the people the right to: Criticise the government.
  • The democracy can function successfully in a country: Which is small in size and population.
  • When the voters take part in the elections of representative bodies themselves and elect the members, the system is known as: Direct election.
  • Which one of the following is not a feature of liberal democracy? Manhood suffrage.
  • Which one of the following is not true about liberal democracy? Denial of fundamental rights.
  • Which one of the following is not applicable to indirect elections? In it voters do not directly take part in elections, but their representatives elect the members.
  • In democracy, public opinion means: Opinion of dominant sections based on common good.
  • Who of the following is not associated with the concept of liberal democracy? Machiavelli.
  • Who of the following is not associated with liberal democracy? Bakunin.
  • Which one of the following is not true about liberal democracy? It denies the freedom of expression to a common man.
  • Who of the following thinkers emphasised the principle that “consent of the people” is the basis of the state? Locke.
  • The chief contribution of Green to the Liberal theory of democracy was: Emphasis on collective well-being as a condition of individual freedom.
  • Which one of the following is not true about the Elitist theory of democracy? There is no competition and adjustment among the various elite groups existing in a society.
  • Which one of the following statements is correct? The successful working of democracy depends on: Presence of educated electorate.
  • Which one of the following statements is not correct? The press in democracy must be committed to the policies of the government.
  • Plebiscite is a device of democracy used for: Ascertaining the views of people on a policy matter of public importance.
  • Who of the following philosophers championed the cause of direct democracy? Rousseau.
  • Which one of the following conditions essential for the smooth working of democracy has been wrongly listed? Minority rule.
  • Who defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”? Abraham Lincoln.
  • To a socialist, democracy means a society in which: Nobody is without work.
  • Who defined democracy as “a form of government in which the will of the majority of qualified rules”? Seeley.
  • The two forms of democracy are: Parliamentary and Presidential.
  • Who first propounded the idea of dictatorship of the proletariat? Marx and Engels.
  • The primary basis of a socialist democracy is: Economic Equality.
  • The term ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ was coined by: Marx and Engels.
  • The word ‘Demos’ stands for: People.
  • Which one of the following statements is correct? Democracy is rule of People.
  • Who defined democracy as “a form of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally vested, not in any particular class, but in the members of the community as a whole”? Lord Bryce.
  • Which one of the following criticisms holds good for Western democracy? It promotes apathy towards politics.
  • Democracy as a system of government is based on the principle of: Majority rule.
  • Who of the following philosophers was not associated with the Liberal Theory of Democracy? Karl Marx.
  • Who of the following philosophers argued that freedom in modern society could be achieved by economic independence and self-employment? Green.
  • Which one of the following statements is incorrect? In democracy, individual freedom is unlimited.
  • Which one of the following is not a form of direct democracy? Representative democracy.
  • Which one of the following is not a form of direct democracy? Totalitarian democracy.
  • The term ‘Initiative’ in democracy refers to: The right of the people to suggest legislative measures.
  • The size and population of modern states make the system of direct democracy: Impracticable.
  • Who championed the cause of direct democracy? Rousseau.
  • Democracy can’t work effectively in a country which is: Highly populous.
  • Which one of the following types of democracy is described as the government of the people, by the people and for the people? Liberal democracy.
  • Which one of the following thinkers did not approve of the ‘class theory of democracy’? Rousseau.
  • One of the defects of direct democracy is: Its being time-consuming.
  • Which one of the following is not a reason for the decline of direct democracy? It causes delay in taking decisions.
  • In which one of the following systems of government, the people have the least say in the legislative process? Oligarchy.
  • Democracy literally means: Rule by the people.
  • The word ‘Demos’ stands for: Power.
  • Which one of the following statements about democracy is incorrect? It is the government of a few persons.
  • Which one of the following statements is incorrect? Democracy guarantees economic equality to all its citizens.
  • Democracy is believed to have originated in: Greece.
  • The term ‘democracy’ is derived from two Greek words ‘demos’ and ‘kratia’, which mean: People and power.
  • The word ‘demos’ refers to: Citizens.
  • The modern idea of democracy rests on: The principle of equality.
  • Who is the author of the book ‘Democracy in America’? Alexis de Tocqueville.
  • The theory of ‘classical democracy’ is also known as: Elitist theory.
  • Who gave the definition of democracy as “Government of the people, by the people and for the people”? Abraham Lincoln.
  • In which type of democracy are the ‘interests of the masses’ paramount? Marxian democracy.
  • Who defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people”? Abraham Lincoln.
  • In a democracy, government by majority ensures: Popular control.
  • Who has said that democracy is a government in which the will of the majority of the qualified persons rules? Bryce.
  • In modern times, democracy can’t work effectively in a country which is: Large and populous.
  • What does ‘initiative’ mean in a direct democracy? Right of citizens to propose new laws.
  • Who championed the cause of direct democracy? Rousseau.
  • The word ‘Demos’ stands for: Common people.
  • Who said that “democracy is a government in which the will of the majority of the qualified persons rules”? Bryce.
  • Who among the following said that democracy is a form of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally vested, not in any particular class, but in the members of the community as a whole? Bryce.
  • The term ‘plebiscite’ literally means: Decision of the people.
  • Which one of the following is not a form of direct democracy? Indirect democracy.
  • Who championed the cause of direct democracy? Rousseau.
  • The word ‘democracy’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘Demos’ which means: People.
  • In which one of the following systems of government does the ‘interests of the masses’ have paramount importance? Marxian democracy.
  • Who has defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people”? Abraham Lincoln.
  • Who is the author of the book ‘Democracy in America’? Alexis de Tocqueville.
  • The term ‘Initiative’ is associated with the idea of: Direct democracy.
  • Democracy has originated from the Greek words: Demos and Cratia.
  • Democracy ensures equality, freedom, and the protection of human rights.
  • A representative democracy is characterized by elected officials making decisions on behalf of the people.
  • Direct democracy involves citizens directly participating in decision-making processes.
  • The term ‘democracy’ comes from the Greek words ‘demos’ meaning people and ‘kratia’ meaning power.
  • An important feature of liberal democracy is the protection of individual rights and freedoms.
  • The principle of majority rule is a fundamental aspect of democratic decision-making.
  • Democracy promotes transparency and accountability in governance.
  • Karl Marx criticized bourgeois democracy, advocating for a proletarian revolution.
  • The concept of ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ suggests working-class rule replacing bourgeois democracy.
  • Direct democracy faces challenges in large societies due to logistical and practical difficulties.

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