Chemistry Section 13

  • 50% inversion of configuration of molecules takes place in SN1 – reaction.
  • The alkyl halide with the highest reactivity for a particular alkyl group is R-I.
  • H3C+ is not a nucleophile.
  • Among the given alkyl halides, (CH3)2 CH – X can follow both SN1 and SN2 mechanisms.
  • When two moles of ethyl chloride react with two moles of sodium in the presence of ether, 1 mole of butane is formed.
  • CO2 reacts with ethyl magnesium iodide followed by acid hydrolysis to form propanoic acid.
  • SN2 reaction is best carried out with primary alkyl halide.
  • The first step involved in both E1 and SN1 mechanisms is the same.
  • Alkyl halides are considered very reactive due to having an electrophilic carbon and a good leaving group.
  • To form straight chain alcohol using Grignard reagent, formaldehyde and ethylene epoxide are required.
  • Ethylene epoxide treated with Grignards reagent followed by acid hydrolysis yields a primary alcohol.
  • Alkyl halides undergo both nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions.
  • Benzul alcohol is C6H5CH2OH.
  • Tartaric acid is also known as 2,3-dihydroxy butanedioic acid.
  • The residue obtained after crystallization of sugar from concentrated sugar cane juice is Molasses.
  • The sequence of enzymes used in the fermentation of starch: Diastase-maltase-zymase.
  • K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 generates Nascent oxygen [O].
  • Tertiary alcohol undergoes elimination reaction to give alkene in the presence of acidic potassium dichromate.
  • Carbolic acid is also known as C6H5OH.
  • Heating phenol with Zn yields benzene.
  • Bakelite is formed through the condensation polymerization process.
  • Ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid through oxidation.
  • Methanol can be obtained from water gas, destructive distillation of wood, and methane.
  • Absolute alcohol is obtained when rectified spirit is treated with CaO.
  • Phenol was isolated by Runge from coal tar.
  • Hydrogenation of phenol in the presence of Ni and heat gives cyclohexanol.
  • Iodoform test is used to distinguish between ethanol and methanol.
  • Glycerol has the highest boiling point among the given options.
  • Methanol can be obtained from water gas, destructive distillation of wood, and methane.
  • The formula of starch is (C6H10O5)n.
  • Rectified spirit contains 95% alcohol.
  • Oxidation of isopropyl alcohol yields propanone.
  • The distinction test for primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols requires Cone. HCI and anhydrous ZnCl2.
  • The dissociation constant (Ka) value 1.3×10-10 is of phenol.
  • Phenol heated with concentrated nitric acid forms picric acid.
  • Nitric acid (HNO3) has the molecular weight of 63.012 g/mol.
  • Treating phenol with formaldehyde in the presence of dilute base forms Bakelite through condensation polymerization.
  • Ethylene oxide is also known as oxirane.
  • The nitrogen group is also known as nitrile.
  • HCONH2 is methanamide.
  • (CH3)3COH is known as 2,2-Dimethyl-propanol.
  • The PH of 0.0032 M H2SO4 is 3.2.
  • The PH of 1.3 × 10-4 NH4Cl is 3.886.
  • The PH of milk is 6.5.
  • The PH of tears is 7.4.
  • The PH of pure water at 25°C (kw=1×10-4) is 7.
  • When 0.01 moles of NaOH are added to a buffer solution, its PH changes by 0.115.
  • Alpha particles can be detected using a zinc sulphide screen.
  • The carbon-carbon bond strength is maximum in CH3CH3.
  • The criterion for aromaticity is the presence of 4n+2π electrons.
  • Permanent hardness of water due to sulphate of metals can be removed by using Zeolites.
  • Sharing of electrons is not a property of Ionic bond.
  • Sum of protons and neutrons in an atom gives the nucleon number and mass number.
  • The molecular weight of Ammonia (NH3) is 17.031 g/mol.
  • The absolute value of charge on an electron was determined by Robert Millikan.
  • The discovery of neutron became delayed because it does not carry any charge.
  • The molecular formula for Nitric acid is HNO3.
  • The molecular weight of Nitric acid (HNO3) is 63.012 g/mol.
  • The Branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling is called Zymurgy.
  • The science of fermentation is called Zymology.
  • The reciprocal of the coefficient of viscosity is called Fluidity.
  • For a given mass of a gas at constant temperature, if the volume becomes 3 times, the pressure will become P/3.
  • A theoretical link between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics is Statistical thermodynamics.
  • Stainless steel contains Fe+Cr+Ni.
  • Carbon in wrought iron is present as Iron carbide.
  • If steel is heated to a temperature well below red heat and is then cooled slowly, the process is called Annealing.
  • The substance used in cancer therapy is Co.
  • Transition elements, in general, exhibit the following properties, except one: Natural Radioactivity.
  • Brass contains Cu and Zn.
  • AgF is soluble in water.
  • The maximum oxidation state shown by manganese is +7.
  • Colour in transition metal compounds is attributed to Incomplete (n-1) d sub-shell.
  • All transition metal compounds are not paramagnetic.
  • The by-product of the process of Saponification is Glycerol.
  • Polyethylene Glycols are used in the preparation of Non-ionic detergents soap.
  • Nonionic surfactants perform well over a wide range of water hardness and pH.
  • Commercial detergents contain mainly RCOON.
  • Caustic potash is KOH.
  • Bronze is an alloy containing Cu and Sn.
  • The effect explaining why o-nitrophenol is insoluble in water is Intermolecular H-bonding.
  • P-nitrophenol is the most acidic compound.
  • Chlorine Cl when attached to benzene has -1 and +R effect.
  • The criteria for aromaticity is the presence of 4n+2π electrons.
  • The bond angle between hybrid orbitals in methane CH3 is 109.5°.
  • The bond length of C=C is 1.68A°.
  • The stationary and mobile phases in paper chromatography are Solid/liquid.
  • Beillstein test is used for Cl.
  • Presence of nitrogen in organic compounds is tested as CN‾.
  • The molar mass of an organic acid is determined by Volumetric method.
  • The IUPAC suffix used for NC group is Nitrile.
  • The IUPAC name of ethylene oxide is Oxirane.
  • The IUPAC name of HCONH2 is Methanamide.
  • The compound (CH3)3COH according to IUPAC is known as 2,2-Dimethyl-propanol.
  • The pH of 0.0032 M H2SO4 is 3.2.
  • The pH of 1.3 × 10-4 NH4Cl is 3.886.
  • The pH of milk is 6.5.
  • The pH of Tears is 7.4.
  • The pH of pure water at 25°C, kw=1×10-4 is 7.
  • When 0.01 moles of NaOH are added to a buffer solution, its pH changes by 0.115.
  • Alpha particles can be detected by using Zinc sulphide screen.

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