US History

US History One Liners Section 8

US History One Liners Section 8   John F. Kennedy was the youngest elected US president and faced the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Salem Witch Trials were a series of witchcraft trials in colonial Massachusetts. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire led to improved workplace safety regulations. The Homestead Act offered land to settlers willing to develop […]

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US History One Liners Section 7

US History One Liners Section 7   Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” raised awareness of slavery’s brutality. The Columbian Exchange facilitated the transfer of goods between the Old and New Worlds. King Philip’s War was a bloody conflict between Native Americans and colonists. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression. Trail

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US History One Liners Section 6

US History One Liners Section 6   Muhammad Ali was a legendary boxer and a cultural icon. The Election of 1800 resulted in a peaceful transfer of power between political parties. Hiram Rhodes Revels became the first African American US Senator in 1870. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the American Revolutionary

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US History One Liners Section 3

US History One Liners Section 3   During the Cuban Crisis, President Kennedy demanded: Both of these. The American commitment to prevent the spread of Communism was expressed in: The Truman Doctrine. Europe’s rapid economic recovery after World War II was mainly due to: All of these. Which of the following pertains to American involvement

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US History One Liners Section 4

US History One Liners Section 4   The largest contributor to the UNO budget is the USA. The concept of public Internet litigation originated in the USA. “Diego Garcia” island is a USA military base in the Indian Ocean. The US President during the U-2 incident was Dwight D. Eisenhower. The founder of the American

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US History One Liners Section 2

US History One Liners Section 2   Virgin Islands were purchased from: Denmark. Rhode Island was the last state to enter the original 13 States which joined the Union. Philippine Islands were acquired by US in 1899. Puerto Rico ceded to US by Spain. John Adams was the second US President. Spain financed Westward voyage

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US History One Liners Section 1

US History One Liners Section 1   America was named after: Amerigo Vespucci. How many British Colonies declared independence from England in 1776 to form the United States? 13. The Boston Tea Incident took place in: 1773. California was settled most rapidly after gold was discovered in 1848. With which country U.S.A. signed the Rush-Bagot

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