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- Starch is a polysaccharide that is tasteless.
- Glycoproteins and glycolipids are components of biological membranes.
- Carbohydrates that yield polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones on hydrolysis are called polysaccharides.
- The specific heat of vaporization of water is 574 Kcal/kg.
- Cn(H2O)n is the general formula for carbohydrates.
- Polysaccharides are the most complex sugars.
- Amino acid variety results from differences in the R group.
- The amino acid sequence determines the primary structure of proteins.
- Ribose is an example of a pentose.
- Myosin is an example of a fibrous protein.
- Starch, cellulose, and glycogen yield glucose upon complete hydrolysis.
- The percentage of glucose in blood is 0.08%.
- Monosaccharides cannot be hydrolyzed further.
- Enzymes that convert dipeptides into separate amino acids are hydrolases.
- Amylose is soluble in hot water.
- The synthesis of 10g of glucose requires 717.6 Kcal of energy.
- Lysosomes are responsible for cellular digestion.
- Peptide bonds link amino acids in proteins.
- Water is the main constituent of blood plasma.
- Proteins contain double the energy of carbohydrates due to higher C-H bonds.