Active Voice: Were the men coughing?
Passive Voice: When the men coughed, it was realized by him that the men were quite near to him.

Active Voice: Was a zoo visited?
Passive Voice: Did you visit a zoo?

Active Voice: Did you break the glass?
Passive Voice: The glass was broken by you.

Active Voice: Were you praised by your mother?
Passive Voice: Your mother praised you.

Active Voice: Why are you sleeping?
Passive Voice: I asked her, “Why are you sleeping?”

Active Voice: Did they complete two courses?
Passive Voice: Two courses have been completed by her.

Active Voice: Does he also play the sitar?
Passive Voice: The sitar is also played by him.

Active Voice: Will someone make all the necessary arrangements?
Passive Voice: Have all the necessary arrangements been made by someone?

Active Voice: Was a car driven by him?
Passive Voice: He was driving a car.

Active Voice: Are my parents not obeyed by you?
Passive Voice: You must obey your parents.

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