PMS Gk Paper 2021
1. The first Chief Justice of Pakistan was “Mian Abdur Rashid.”
2. Kashmiri leader Maqbool Butt was martyred in the year “1984.”
3. The National Security Policy (NSP) was approved by the Cabinet on “28 December 2021.”
4. The Gandhara School of art developed during the reign of the “Kushanas.”
5. International Mother Language Day is celebrated every year on “21 February.”
6. Limestone is found in “Sedimentary rock.”
7. Jhelum and Chenab rivers meet at “Trimmu.”
8. When the Kashmir issue was first discussed in the UN, the British delegate was “Philip Noel Baker.”
9. Deficiency of Vitamin D results in “Rickets.”
10. The current Secretary | General of OIC belongs to the country “Chad.”
11. The currency of Israel is the “Shekel.”
12. Deficiency of Vitamin | A results in “Night blindness.”
13. “Flying Horse” was the nickname of the Pakistani player “Sami Ullah Khan.”
14. Vitamin E is stored in “Adipose Tissues.”
15. Fat is stored in the “Subcutaneous” part of the body.
16. Sulphur dioxide is responsible for turning Taj Mahal yellow.
17. The theme of International Forest Day 2022 was “Forests and sustainable production and consumption.”
18. The author of ‘In the Line of Fire’ is “Pervez Musharraf.”
19. The first Pakistani to win a “Grammy Award” is “Arooj Aftab.”
20. Nishan | e | Haider has been awarded “10” times.
21. Hamza Shahbaz is the “18th” Chief Minister of Punjab.
22. Shalimar Bagh was constructed by “Shah Jahan.”
23. Winter Olympics 2022 were held in “China.”
24. Kaavan elephant was sent from Pakistan to “Cambodia” on the direction of the court.
25. “Akbarnama” was written by “Abul Fazal.”
26. Pakistan’s first Civil Martial Law Administrator was “Sikandar Mirza.”
27. Farooq Ahmad Leghari served as President of Pakistan from “14 November 1993 to 02 December 1997.”
28. The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup will be held in “Australia and New Zealand.”
29. Wind flows around areas of high pressure in the Northern Hemisphere in a “Clockwise direction.”
30. The share of “Oil” is highest among all commercial energy consumption.
31. The first governor of Punjab after Independence was “Francis Mudie.”
32. The first Muslim musician in the subcontinent was “Amir Khusro.”
33. The first Commander | in | Chief of Pakistan Army was “Gen. Frank Meservy.”
34. The first underground drainage system was introduced by the “Indus Valley Civilization.”
35. A tropical cyclone becomes a hurricane at a speed of “74 mph.”
36. Moinuddin Ahmed Qureshi became the caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan in “July 1993.”
37. The U2 incident took place in “1960.”
38. The Governor of Punjab introduced the ordinance to slash the powers of the speaker on “15 May 2022.”
39. The first Governor of East Bengal after Independence was “Frederick Bourne.”
40. Quaid | e | Azam said, “Instrument of accession to India is illegal and fraudulent.”
41. Abdul Karim, known as Little Karim, was a “Mountaineer.”
42. London is situated on the bank of the river “Thames.”
43. The Muslim majority area given to India to accommodate access to Kashmir was “Gurdaspur.”
44. The cultural center of Gandhara Civilization was “Taxila.”
45. The world’s happiest country in The World Happiness Report in 2022 was “Finland.”
46. Sedimentary rocks are “Porous.”
47. The Holy Quran was first translated into which language in the Sub | continent: “Sindhi.”
48. The regulator that controls Pakistan Stock Exchange is the “Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.”
49. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on “24 December 1979.”
50. “Shahrah e Pakistan” book was written by “Chaudhry Khaliquzaman.”
51. Jurist Manzur Qadir was the Pakistani foreign minister during “1958 to 1962.”
52. The Federal Shariat Court was established in “1980.”
53. The 1965 War lasted for “17 days.”
54. The zone of the atmosphere in which the ozone layer is present is the “Stratosphere.”
55. The journey took “6 hours and 37 minutes.”
56. The planet nearest to Earth is “Mercury.”
57. There are “272” general seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan.
58. Punjab Repealing and Removal of Difficulties Ordinance 2022 was promulgated to “Curtail the powers of the Speaker.”
59. The president of “Uzbekistan” visited Pakistan in March 2022.
60. The euro currency was launched in “January 1999.”
61. Constantinople fell into the hands of the Muslims in “1453.”
62. Fructose sugar is also known as “Monosaccharides.”
63. The OIC was founded in “1969.”
64. Vitamin B6 is also known as “Pyridoxine.”
65. In accounting, the sale of old newspapers is generally considered as “Revenue income.”
66. Indira Gandhi imposed emergency in India in “1975.”
67. Chinese Foreign Minister attended the OIC foreign minister meeting 2022 as a Special Guest. His name is “Wang Yi.”
68. The cease | fire line was established between Pakistan and India in “1949.”
69. The minimal point of soil moisture the plant requires is called the “Wilting point.”
70. The Law of Independent Assortment was given by “Mendel.”
71. Angela Merkel served as the Chancellor of Germany for “16 years.”
72. Pakistan is on the “Grey” list of FATF currently.
73. The World Bank was created in “1944.”
74. “4” presidents of the United States were assassinated.
75. Income and expenditure depict the “Fiscal Deficit.”
76. HP processing of fruit and vegetables means “High pressure.”
77. The least pollutant fuel is “Natural gas.”
78. The sugar present in milk is “Lactose.”
79. “Kuwait” is the official state news agency of which country.
80. The “Father of History” is “Tacitus.”
81. Maulana Jalal | ud | Din Rumi was born in “Balkh.”
82. “Leonardo | Da | Vinci” painted the Mona Lisa.
83. Christopher Columbus belonged to “Italy.”
84. Cholistan desert is also called “Rohi Desert.”
85. The protein present in egg yolk is rich in “Thiamine.”
86. The value of an article after 4 years depreciation will be “9774.”
87. The strength of a class is 6000 in 1994. The enrollment in 1970, if doubled after 8 years, was “750.”
88. The length and width of the rectangle are “11 cm and 27 cm.”
89. In PowerPoint, the Header and Footer button can be found on the Insert tab in the “Text” group.
90. Osteomalacia is caused by the deficiency of “Vitamin B12.”
91. There are “8” members in SAARC.
92. The latest member of SAARC is “Afghanistan.”
93 | In the U.S., National Sanctity of Human Life Day 2022 was celebrated on “22 January.”
94. The shortcut key for a hyperlink in MS Word is “CTRL+K.”
95. A high | quality CAD system uses the “Digital Plotter” for printing drawings and graphs.
96. Headers and footers are used in MS | Word to “allow page headers and footers to appear on the document when it is printed.”
97. The gas commonly known as “laughing gas” is “Nitrous Oxide.”
98. MS Excel is used for preparing “Spreadsheet.”
99. “Windows XP” is not hardware.
100. The minimum and maximum font size available in the formatting toolbar are “8 and 72.”