• Pakistan Naval Academy is located in: Karachi.
    • First Chief Minister of KPK: Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan.
    • Area called the gun factory of the tribal areas: Darra Adam Khel.
    • Highest mountain of KPK: Tirch Mir.
    • Lari language is spoken in: Lower Sindh.
    • Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called: Kotri Barrage.
    • Moenjodaro is a 4,000-year-old city of the: Indus Civilization.
    • Shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is located in: Karachi.
    • Highest peak of Pakistan: K-2.
    • Height of Nanga Parbat: 8,126m.
    • Mountain peak called Killer Mountain: Nanga Parbat.
    • Average height of Salt Range: 675 meters.
    • Range that lies along the border of Sindh and Baluchistan Province: Kirthar range.
    • Total area of ICT: 906 sq.km.
    • FATA stands for: Federally Administrated Tribal Areas.
    • Number of districts in Kashmir: 10.
    • Valley known as “Roof of the world”: Chilas.
    • Country situated in the east of Pakistan: India.
    • Total amendments to the constitution of 1973 passed by the Parliament: 26.
    • Number of Pakistanis who won the Nobel Prize for Physics: 1 (Dr Abdus Salam in 1979).

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