Living Organisms

• Moss and fungi are in “Algae & Fungi.”
• The largest living mammal is the “Blue whale.”
• Silkworms are fed on “Mulberry leaves.”
• Yeast is used in making bread because it produces “COâ‚‚.”
• The smallest egg is found in “Homo Sapiens.”
• The population maximum on Earth is of “Fishes.”
• The animal producing the biggest baby is the “Blue whale.”
• Haemoglobin is dissolved in the plasma of “Earthworm.”
• A flightless bird is the “Emu.”
• The sound-producing organ in birds is “Aestivation.”
• A cold-blooded animal is the “Tortoise.”
• Bats are able to fly in the dark because their wings produce “Ultrasonic waves.”
• Earthworm increases soil fertility by “Turning over large masses of soil.”
• Silk is produced by the “Larva of silkworm.”
• About 80% of body weight in most organisms is “Water.”
• Penicillin is produced from “Mould.”
• Poison glands of snakes are homologous to “Salivary glands of vertebrates.”
• Insects that make a clicking sound are “Beetles.”
• The functional kidney in adult amphibians is “Mesonephros.”
• Bee dances are meant for “Communication.”
• The family of fishes includes “Shark.”
• Change of color in the skin is observed in “Chameleon.”
• Pearls are formed inside “Mollusks.”
• Two punctures appear on the part bitten by a “Poisonous snake.”
• The organism with RNA as the genetic material is “Tobacco mosaic virus.”
• A Vitamin C deficient diet produces no deficiency symptoms in “Dog.”
• The function of the tongue in snakes is to “Smell the food.”
• In herbivorous mammals, cellulose is digested in the “Caecum.”
• A non-poisonous snake is the “Python.”
• Animals that store water in the intestine include the “Camel.”
• Birds get thrust and lift from the “Flapping of wings.”
• The mammal that lays eggs is the “Duckbilled Platypus.”
• Hormones are normally absent in “Bacteria.”
• Blood-sucking organisms include “Leeches.”
• Silk is obtained from the stage of the silkmoth known as the “Cocoon.”
• The gestation period of cows is “280 days.”
• The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a living entity because it can “Undergo auto reproduction.”
• A reptile with a four-chambered heart is the “Crocodile.”
• Animal semen remains fertile for a long time at “-196°C.”
• The only snake that builds a nest is the “King cobra.”
• All bacteria respire.
• The animal with the longest life span is the “Tortoise.”
• DPT is a vaccine for “Diptheria, whooping cough, and tetanus.”
• The sweetest sugar is “Fructose.”
• Deficiency of Vitamin E causes “Sterility.”
• ELISA test is prescribed for “AIDS.”
• The organism living at the bottom of the water mass is called “Benthos.”
• The organism with blood but respires is the “Cockroach.”
• The characteristic feature of a virus is that “It multiplies only on hosts.”
• The animal called a living fossil is the “Peripatus.”

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