The person whose house became the center of preaching of Islam was Hazrat Arqam (RA).
The important event in the 13th Nabvi month was the Hijrah to Madina.
The Mosque famous for the change of Qiblah is Masjid-e-Qiblatain.
The Umm-ul-Momineen who died last was Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (RA).
The sixth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal is the predestination of good and bad by Allah (TAQDIR).
Hazrat Umar (RA) appointed Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) as the custodian of Bait-ul-Mal.
The seal affixed on important letters by the Prophet (SAW) was in the custody of Hazrat Khuzaifa (RA).
The first Muslim among slaves was Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA).
The meaning of Muharram is forbidden.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a golden seal was made.
Abdul Mutalib died in 580 A.D.
The month of migration was called Hijrah Madinah.
Ghazwa-e-Badr occurred in 2 Hijrah.
The daughter of Umar who married the Prophet was Hafsa.
Hazrat Abu Bakar had knowledge of dreams.
Surah means city of peace.
Hazrat Usman accepted Islam first among men.
Laws about Zina were revealed in 5 A.H.
Hazrat Idrees A.S was the first who learnt to write.