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- Jibrael (A.S) was appointed to deliver messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah.
- Siha e Sitta are six books of Hadith.
- Surah Al-Toba starts without “Bismillah.”
- In the “Sacrilegious wars,” Quraish and their allies were led by Harb bin Umayah.
- Cave Hira is in the An-Noor mountain.
- Eid Prayer is Wajib.
- Surah Al-Maidah contains the orders about Wuzu, Ghusal, and Tayammum.
- The Injeel was revealed by Allah to Prophet Essa (A.S).
- The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is Masjid Quba.
- The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta, was compiled by Imam Malik (R.A).
- The famous Ghazwah mentioned in Surah Al-Imran is Ghazwah Badar.
- The Zabur was revealed by Allah to Prophet Dawood (A.S).
- The wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was the daughter of Umar Farooq (R.A) was Hafsah (R.A).
- In Hajj, touching the Black Stone is called Istilam.
- In Surah Kahf, the dog is mentioned along with the Ashaab e Kahf.
- The companion of Prophet (PBUH) awarded the title “The sword of Allah” was Khalid bin Waleed (R.A).
- The relation between Prophet Ismail (A.S) and Prophet Ishaq (A.S) was brothers.
- The second migration to Habshah took place in 615 A.D.
- The Battle of Yermuk was fought between Muslims and Romans.
- The companion of Prophet (PBUH) awarded the title “The lion of Allah” was Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A).