• Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A) firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book form.
    • The mother of Hazrat Yousaf ( عليه السلام ) was Raheel.
    • Tawaf-ul-Qudoom is known as Welcome Tawaf.
    • Jihad means to Struggle.
    • Jibrael came 24000 times into the court of the Holy Prophet (SAW).
    • The Battle of Ohad was fought in 3 AH.
    • Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of Hazrat Hanzala (R.A).
    • Hazrat Haroon (AS) was an eloquent speaker.
    • The vowels were inserted into the Qur’an in the year 43 Hijri.
    • Zou-shadatian is the title of Hazrat Khuzima Bin Sabit (R.A).
    • Hazrat Musa (A.S) met with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) on the 6th heaven.
    • The Qur’an is written in Prose & Poetry.
    • Masjid ul Hanif is located in Mina where almost 70 prophets are buried.
    • At least five wisk is the weight of the produce of the crops over which Zakat becomes obligatory. Five wisk is equal to 40 Kg.
    • The Sacred Monument in the Holy Quran is Arafat.
    • The term on which acting upon it is not rewarding but it is also not a sin if you do not act upon it is Mubah.
    • After sleeping for 100 years, Hazrat Uzair (AS) again woke up.
    • Musailama al Kazzab was called “The Liar” by the Holy Prophet.
    • Four Surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word “Qul.”
    • The leader of the pagans in the Battle of Badr was Abu Jehl.

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