• There are five obligatory Acts of Hajj.
    • The term whose avoidance is rewarding and although doing it is not a sin, yet it is a sort of vice is Makruh-i-Tanzihi.
    • Hazrat Imam Tirmidhi was a student of Imam Bukhari.
    • The total number of surahs in the Quran is 114.
    • The shortest surah, Al-Kawthar, has 3 verses.
    • The word “zakat” is used 22 times in Makki surahs.
    • Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) would not eat food without a guest.
    • The “mother of the Qur’an” is Surah Al-Fatiha.
    • There is 1 surah in the Holy Quran that starts with the word ‘Qad.’
    • The Islamic calendar is also called the Hijri calendar.
    • The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is Ramzan.
    • The words of the Holy Quran that are not explained by a common person are called Muqte’aat.
    • Soam (fasting) is prohibited at the time of Eid-ul-Azha and Eid-ul-Fitr.
    • When the month of Ramazan comes, the doors of Heaven are opened, and the doors of hell are closed. It is mentioned in a Hadith.
    • The kaffarah (expiation) for breaking fast is to keep 60 continuous fasts.
    • Hazrat Abdullah was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and Maria al-Qibtiyya.
    • The second wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was Hazrat Sauda (RA).
    • The person who starts prayer with the Imam is called Musbaq.
    • The first verse (ayat) in the Holy Quran was revealed in Surah Al-Alaq.
    • The 11th Para of the Holy Quran is named Wa Mali.

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