The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of Hazrat Umar (R.A).
Imam Abu Hanifa died in 150 A.H.
The Charter of Medina was drafted in the 1st Hijra.
The Muslim death toll on both sides in the Battle of Camel was about 10,000.
Hajj has been commanded in Surah Al-Baqara.
Ohad is in the North direction from Madina.
The meaning of Qayas is reasoning by analogy.
Hazrat Abu Hurrairah R.A wrote narrations of 5478 Ahadis.
Amr ibn al-‘As and Abdullah bin Rabiah represented the Quraish delegation at the Negus court.
Wine was declared haraam in 9 hijri.
Zulbujadeen is the title of Hazrat Jaffar Tayar (RA).
Qazf in Islamic law is imposed on False accusation of Zina.
Aisha (RA) remained alive for 44 years after the death of Muhammad (SAW).
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Al Jirrah (RA) and Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas (RA) were sent during the Battle of Badr to collect information about the caravan of Quraish.
The son of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews is Yahooda.
Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) died in the 13th Hijra.
Hazrat Amar bin Yasar (RA) was martyred in the Battle of Safaein.
There are 22 Ayats (verses) in Surah Al-Hujurāt.
The real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) was Abdullah ibn Uthman.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visited Ta’if in the 10th Nabvi.