• The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of Hazrat Umar (R.A).
  • Imam Abu Hanifa died in 150 A.H.
  • The Charter of Medina was drafted in the 1st Hijra.
  • The Muslim death toll on both sides in the Battle of Camel was about 10,000.
  • Hajj has been commanded in Surah Al-Baqara.
  • Ohad is in the North direction from Madina.
  • The meaning of Qayas is reasoning by analogy.
  • Hazrat Abu Hurrairah R.A wrote narrations of 5478 Ahadis.
  • Amr ibn al-‘As and Abdullah bin Rabiah represented the Quraish delegation at the Negus court.
  • Wine was declared haraam in 9 hijri.
  • Zulbujadeen is the title of Hazrat Jaffar Tayar (RA).
  • Qazf in Islamic law is imposed on False accusation of Zina.
  • Aisha (RA) remained alive for 44 years after the death of Muhammad (SAW).
  • Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Al Jirrah (RA) and Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas (RA) were sent during the Battle of Badr to collect information about the caravan of Quraish.
  • The son of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews is Yahooda.
  • Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) died in the 13th Hijra.
  • Hazrat Amar bin Yasar (RA) was martyred in the Battle of Safaein.
  • There are 22 Ayats (verses) in Surah Al-Hujurāt.
  • The real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) was Abdullah ibn Uthman.
  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visited Ta’if in the 10th Nabvi.

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