Human Body One Liners
1. The tube through which food passes, extending from the mouth to the anus, is the “Alimentary canal.”
2. The complex organ of the alimentary canal is adapted for “digestion.”
3. The vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body, with thick walls and smooth muscle fibers, is an “Artery.”
4. The brownish alkaline fluid, bile, is produced in the “Liver.”
5. Bile is stored and intermittently released into the small intestine from the “Gall bladder” to aid digestion.
6. Bile salts assist in the “breakdown and absorption of fats.”
7. Blood circulates in “All of these” – veins, arteries, and capillaries.
8. The tube that conducts blood either away from or towards the heart is a “Blood vessel.”
9. The classification of an individual’s blood by group A, B, AB, or O and Rh-factor is called “Blood group.”
10. People with blood group AB can receive blood from all other groups, and the group that can be donated to all other groups is “Group O.”
11. Major salts in bones include “Calcium phosphate.”
12. Bones enclose “All of these” – bone cells, blood vessels, and nerves.
13. The substance found inside the cavity of bones is “Bone marrow.”
14. The color change in bone marrow from red to yellow is due to the “Accumulation of lipids (fat).”
15. The part of the body coordinating and controlling activities is the “Brain.”
16. The part of the brain containing centers for the control of respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure is the “Medulla oblongata.”
17. The function of the cerebellum, overlying the medulla oblongata, is “Coordinating complex muscular processes.”
18. The source of energy for the human brain is “Glucose.”
19. The part of the brain connected with thinking is “None of these.”
20. Cholesterol is a “White, crystalline sterol found throughout the body.”
21. The structure in a cell nucleus that carries the genes is known as “Chromosome.”
22. The thread making up each chromosome is composed of “DNA.”
23. In a normal human cell, there are “46” chromosomes.
24. The organ that responds to sound vibrations is the “Ear.”
25. Biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions are “Enzymes.”
26. In the human eye, light is focused by the combined action of “Curved cornea, lens, Internal fluids.”
27. The back part of the eye where images are focused and packed with light-sensitive cells is called the “Back ball.”
28. Situated on the underside of the liver and connected to the small intestine is the “Gall bladder.”
29. Pebble-like, insoluble accumulations formed in the gall bladder or bile ducts are called “Gallstones.”
30. The function of the gall bladder is a part of the “Digestive system.”
31. Genes are produced by “RNA.”
32. Genes are located in higher organisms on “Chromosomes.”
33. The term “Gene” was coined by “Wilhelm Johannes” in 1909.
34. The instructions for building proteins in the genetic material DNA are written in the “Genetic Code.”
35. Essential substances are secreted by “Glands.”
36. Endocrine glands include “Thyroid glands, Pituitary glands, Adrenal glands.”
37. Endocrine glands secrete into the bloodstream, such as “Hormones.”
38. The fine filament growing from the skin is called “Hair.”
39. Each hair grows from a follicle rooted in the second layer of the skin called “Dermis.”
40. The function of the pancreas is to “Regulate the metabolism of glucose, fats, proteins.”
41. The muscular organ that rhythmically contracts to force blood around the body is the “Heart.”
42. Hormones, concerned with the control of body functions, are produced by “Endocrine Glands.”
43. The control center for overall coordination of hormone secretion is the “Hypothalamus.”
44. Adrenal hormones prepare the organism during stress for ‘fight or flight.’
45. Insulin, produced in the islets of Langerhans, regulates the “Glucose level” in the body.
46. The digestive area, the intestine, is located “From stomach outlet to the anus.”
47. The human small intestine consists of “Duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.”
48. The diameter of the large intestine in the human body is “9 cm.”
49. The organ responsible for maintaining the ionic composition of the blood is the “Kidney.”
50. Kidneys are situated “On the rear wall of the abdomen.”
51. The largest glandular organ in the human body, on the right of the abdomen beneath the diaphragm, is the “Liver.”
52. The liver aids in digestion by “Converting nutrients in the blood into a form suitable for storage called glycogen” and “Producing bile which breaks down fats.”
53. The cavity used for gas exchange is the “Lung.”
54. A pair of lungs is located in the “Thorax.”
55. The functions of contractile tissues, named as Muscle, include “Produce locomotion,” “Produce power,” and “Maintain the movement of body substances.”
56. A bundle of nerve cells enclosed in a covering of connective tissue, transmitting nerve impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord, is called a “Nerve.”
57. The chemoreceptors for smell mainly lie in the “Mid of nasal cavities.”
58. The chemical compounds found within the cells of all living organisms are “Nucleic acids.”
59. RNA’s main function is to “Control the formation of proteins.”
60. The group of muscle cells in the wall of the heart that sets the pace for heart contractions is called the “Pacemaker” or “SA node.”
61. The accessory gland of the digestive system located close to the duodenum is the “Pancreas.”
62. The substance released by the pancreas into the duodenum that digests starches, proteins, and fats is “Enzymes.”
63. The endocrine gland situated in the center of the brain and attached to the hypothalamus by a stalk is the “Pituitary gland.”
64. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which combines with oxygen from the lungs to form “Oxyhemoglobin.”
65. The fluid secreted into the mouth to moisten food when animals are eating is “Saliva.”
66. Blood plasma with anticoagulant proteins removed, containing antibodies, fats, and sugar, is called “Serum.”
67. The human skeleton is composed of “206” bones.
68. The lower layer of the skin is called the “Dermis.”
69. The spinal cord and spinal nerves carry sensory information from the body to the brain and return with commands from the brain to the rest of the body.
70. The vertical structure of bone, nerves, nerve fibers, ligaments, and cartilage that acts as a skeletal support and transmission center for the nervous system in vertebrate animals is called the “Spinal column.”
71. There are “32” vertebrae in a human.
72. The organ responsible for fluid regulation, excretion of waste products, and maintaining the ionic composition of the blood is the “Kidney.”
73. Kidneys are situated “On the rear wall of the abdomen.”
75. Steroid includes the substances “Bile acids” and “Cholesterol.”
76. The stomach is situated “Just below the diaphragm.”
77. The point where food enters the stomach, is digested, and then passed into the duodenum is the “Esophagus.”
78. The ductless two-lobed endocrine gland lying in front of the trachea in the neck is the “Thyroid Gland.”
79. Growth is strongly influenced by the “Thyroid Gland” in a body.
80. The gland that releases thyroid-stimulating hormones is the “Pituitary gland.”
81. Any kind of cellular fabric that occurs in a body is termed “Tissue.”
82. Adults contain “32” teeth.
83. The function of the inner pulp cavity in each tooth is to house “nerves and blood vessels.”
84. The vessel that carries blood from the body to the heart and contains valves preventing blood from running back when moving against gravity is a “Vein.”
85. The backbone that gives support to the body and protects the spinal cord is called the “Vertebral column.”
86. White blood cells, which play a part in the body’s defenses and provide immunity against disease, are also known as “Leukocytes.”
87. The heart of an average human being pumps about “6.2 liters” of blood every minute.
88. A normal person has about “7%” of their body weight as blood.
89. The average number of beats per minute by the human heart is “72.”
90. The part of the back of the eye sensitive to light is called the “Retina.”
91. The gland that secretes insulin and glucagon, controlling the body’s use of sugar, is the “Pancreas.”
92. The function of arteries in the body is to “carry blood to the heart.”
93. The longest bone in the human body is the “Femur.”
94. The passage from the mouth to the stomach is called the “Esophagus.”
95. Not related to the provided MCQs.
96. Bile, which digests fats, is produced in the “Liver.”