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- Tarawa is the capital of Kiribati.
- Uruguay won the very first FIFA World Cup in 1930.
- Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
- Tokyo was the first Asian city to host the Olympics.
- Afghanistan has no railway track.
- The distance of Mercury from the sun is approximately 57.9 million km.
- A touchdown is worth six points in football.
- World Intellectual Property Day is observed on April 26.
- eSwatini means Land of the Swazis.
- 63. Yousaf Saleem has been appointed Pakistan’s first blind civil judge of Lahore High Court.
- The Father of Geometry is Euclid.
- “One People, One State, One Leader” was the policy of Hitler.
- Epigraphy means the study of inscriptions.
- The capital of Cyprus is Nicosia.
- The headquarters of the European Union is in Brussels.
- Hangzhou will be the 3rd Chinese city to host the Asian Games in 2022.
- Yachting (sailing) became an Olympic event in 1900.
- Eman Danish is the youngest climate activist in Pakistan.
- The largest eggs in the world today are laid by the ostrich.
- The largest peninsula in the world is the Arabian Peninsula.