General Biology One Liners

• The function of haemoglobin is to transport oxygen.
• A person having blood group “O” is called a universal donor.
• Enzymes help in the digestion of food.
• Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the salivary glands.
• Heightened emotion is caused by adrenal glands.
• The shortest bone in the human body is stapes.
• Balanced diet contains macro and micro nutrients for growth and maintenance.
• Wisdom teeth normally grow between the age of 17-35.
• ‘Dossier’ means relevant papers.
• Lack of insulin causes diabetes.
• Biopsy is done on tissue taken from a living body.
• Triple antigen vaccine is given to children to protect them against whooping cough.
• A man weighing 96 kg consists of approximately 66.5 litres of water.
• Blood consists of 60% plasma, 40% corpuscles.
• Pituitary gland is located just below the brain.
• Mother’s milk lacks vitamin C and sodium.
• During sleep, a man’s blood pressure fluctuates.
• In first aid for a road accident victim, the steps are: Arrest haemorrhage, Treating for asphyxia, Treating for cardiac arrest, Cleanse and cover wounds.
• We feel drowsy after a heavy meal because the brain receives less oxygen as blood rushes to supply oxygen and nutrition to the contracting stomach and intestines.
• Ready source of energy available for athletes is carbohydrates.
• Chromosomes are made up of DNA as a main component.
• The part of the cell essential for protein synthesis is Ribosomes.
• Short-sightedness is due to the elongation of eyeballs.
• There are approximately 700 chromosomes in the human body.
• The organ that destroys worn-out RBCs is the Spleen.
• Saliva helps in the digestion of Starch.
• Biological death of a patient means death of tissues of the Brain.
• Thyroxine is the hormone that contains iodine.
• The respiratory center is situated in the Medulla oblongata.
• For transfusion, the ‘O’ blood group of a donor can be accepted by a person having blood group A, B, or AB.
• The gland in the human body popularly called Adam’s apple is the Thyroid.
• In the human body, the leg bones are Fibula and Tibia.
• The life of RBC in human blood is 120 days.
• Red blood corpuscles are formed in the Bone marrow.
• Convex lenses are used for the correction of Long-sightedness.
• The largest living bird is the Ostrich.
• The ‘graveyard of RBCs’ is the Spleen.
• Endocrine glands pour their secretions directly into the bloodstream.
• Ligaments join bone to bone.
• The normal temperature of the human body is 98.6°F.
• The strongest muscle in the human body is the Jaw.
• Sweat glands occur in the greatest number in the skin of the Armpits.
• The total number of bones in the human skull is 30.
• The Eustachian tube is not in the inner ear.
• In onions, food is stored in the form of Cellulose.
• The plant part rich in carbohydrates is the Onion.
• The green color of plants is due to the presence of Chlorophyll.
• Plants that bear no fruits but produce seeds include Cycas.
• Blue-green algae are considered to be the simplest living organisms with the ability to manufacture their own food by photosynthesis.
• Bryophytes are Non-vascular plants.
• The forests in Pakistan comprising Junipers are facing the danger of extinction.
• During photosynthesis, green plants build up Carbohydrates.
• Pollens are produced in larger numbers and are lightweight, flowers pollinated by Wind.
• Photosynthesis is a biochemical process for the transfer of solar energy to Chemical energy.
• Ginger is an example of a Rhizome.
• The earliest organisms that appeared on the surface of the earth were probably Symbionts.
• Osmosis is a function of the number of solute molecules in the solutions on the two sides of the selectively permeable membrane, Pressure, and Temperature.
• In photosynthesis, Copper is involved in the electron transport.
• Bamboo is a Grass.
• Fern belongs to Pteridophyte.
• In which section of the plant does photosynthesis take place? It takes place in Leaves.
• Photosynthesis takes place faster in White light.
• Age of a tree can be determined by counting the number of rings in the stem.
• The green color of leaves is due to the presence of Chlorophyll.
• During the daytime, plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
• Plants receive their nutrients mainly from the Soil.
• Potato is a modified form of Stem.
• A plant cell is distinguished from an animal cell by the presence of Chloroplasts.
• A man with blood group A can receive blood from persons having blood groups A, O.
• Mycology studies Fungus.
• Duodenum is situated at the uppermost part of the small intestine.
• Dialysis is used in the case of a patient suffering from Kidney problems.
• The gland of the human body that produces insulin is the Pancreas.
• In the brain, the site for intelligence, memory, and emotion is present in the Cerebrum.
• Animal flesh is a good source of high-quality proteins because animal proteins carry the right proportion of amino acids needed by humans.
• Vaccines are treated bacteria or viruses or one of their proteins.
• Excessive vomiting and diarrhea may result in the decrease of Sodium in the bloodstream.
• Insulin, a drug that checks diabetes, was discovered by Dr. Banting.
• Haemophilia is an example of a hereditary disease.
• The genetic information from one generation to the next is transferred by DNA.
• Inside an electric cell, a nucleus is not found.
• Anaerobics are bacteria that can complete their life cycle without oxygen.
• The organ that filters blood in the human body is the Kidney.
• Deficiency of Iron in the human body causes Anaemia.
• The red color of tomatoes is imparted by Lycopene.
• Biological death of a patient means death of tissues of the Brain.
• Enzymes are Proteins.
• By taking the pulse rate of the human body, a doctor determines the Heartbeat.
• The science of treatment of the muscular and skeletal system is known as Orthopaedics.
• The study of the nervous system and its disorders is called Neurology.
• The area of the brain responsible for the control of body temperature is the Hypothalamus.
• Oxygen transportation in a human body takes place through Lungs, Blood, and Tissues. The correct sequence is 2, 1, 3.
• Which of the following is a sedative? Equanil.
• Warm-blooded animals maintain a high body temperature for faster Breeding.
• In which of the following do red blood cells originate? Bone marrow.
• The Pituitary gland in the human body controls the Growth of bones.
• The yellow color of urine is due to the presence of Urochrome.
• Disease not related to lung malfunctioning is Anaemia.
• Penicillin, an antibiotic, is obtained from a Fungus.
• During the formation of bread, the product that ‘raises’ the bread is Yeast.
• Ageing in human beings is caused by the disappearance of the Thymus gland.
• Antigen is a substance that triggers the immune system.
• The unit of energy produced by food in the human body is called Calorie.
• Persons whose blood has a reduced capacity for delivering oxygen to tissues suffer from Haemophilia.
• The organism produced by genetic engineering is the Rahu-thaila carp.
• The Neeli-Ravi Buffalo is produced by hybridization and selective breeding.
• Haemophilia is a hereditary disease.
• A colorblind person cannot distinguish red from Green.
• Aristotle proposed the theory of continuous and gradual evolution of life from simple to complex.
• Darwin himself bred Pigeons.
• Evolution through mutation was suggested by De Vries.
• Decomposers are crucial to the ecosystem because they recycle nutrients from organisms back to the environment.
• In the eye, color vision is affected by the presence of Cones.
• Calories measure Heat.
• All metabolic reactions in organisms are catalyzed by Enzymes.
• The membranous labyrinth of the ear is filled with Endolymph.
• The enzyme present in saliva is Ptyalin.
• The terminal part of the vertebral column in man is called Coccyx.
• The heartbeat is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of specialized cardiac muscles called Purkinje tissue.
• RNA differs from DNA in containing Ribose.
• The blood groups of man were discovered by Karl Landsteiner.
• Glycogen is mainly stored in the Liver and muscles.
• Pepsin converts Protein into peptides in acid media.
• The DNA model was given by Watson and Crick.
• The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by J.B. Lamarck.
• Hydra has no blood but respires.
• The pituitary gland is a gland attached to the Base of the brain.
• Flower colors are due to Anthocyanins.
• Calcium content is maximum in Maize.
• Foods rich in carbohydrates include Banana, potato, and rice.
• Bile is stored in the gall bladder.
• A platypus is a mammal.
• The smallest plants on earth are Watermeal.
• The Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Day is observed on 21st October.
• Jonas Salk invented the Polio vaccine (Oral).
• White blood cells in our body act as an immune system against diseases.
• The peritoneum is a membrane.
• Fat is a Lipid.
• The unused fat present in the body is reconverted into animal fat and stored in different parts of the body.
• Starch is an essential constituent of the diet.
• Groundnut has the maximum protein.
• Fats give maximum energy in the metabolic process.
• Lack of essential amino acids in the diet can cause diseases such as Kwashiorkor.
• Hormones are not essential constituents of a balanced diet.
• Insulin regulates the metabolism of sugars.
• The digestion of fat in the intestines is aided by emulsification.
• Hair, finger nails, hoofs, etc., are all made of proteins.
• Deficiency of sodium and potassium causes muscular cramps, headache, and diarrhea.
• Substances used to bring relief in pain are called analgesics.
• Interferon is a virus.
• Penicillin is an antibiotic.
• White blood cells act as a defense against infection.
• Saliva contains amylases.
• Redness in blood is because of the presence of haemoglobin.
• Liver produces bile.
• Substances which bring down the body temperature are known as antipyretics.
• Oxytocin is a protein that acts as a hormone.
• Insulin, a protein, acts as a hormone.
• Antibodies are proteins.
• Deficiency of calcium leads to rickets.
• Glucose is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen.
• Cabbage is a vegetable containing sulphur.
• The main purpose of white blood corpuscles is to combat infection.
• The total volume of blood in a normal human being is 5-6 liters.
• Red blood corpuscles are formed in the bone marrow.
• Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of heparin.
• The number of bones in the human body of an adult is approximately 206.
• Lungs are situated in the thoracic cavity.
• The pancreas secretes insulin.
• The seat of memory in the human brain is located in the cerebrum.
• Tibia is a bone found in the leg.
• The strongest muscle in the human body is found in the jaws.
• The main function of the kidney is to remove waste products from the body.
• A gene is a unit of heredity.
• Cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of Suberin.

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