Freedom of Speech

  • Freedom of speech is available in liberal democracies.
  • Freedom of speech and free press are complementary.
  • For freedom of speech, people need to be vigilant.
  • Freedom of speech is not closely linked to the right to hold property.
  • Enlightened public opinion is essential for freedom of speech.
  • Freedom of speech is desired in a liberal democracy.
  • Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in India’s constitution.
  • Freedom of speech should have reasonable restrictions.
  • Freedom of speech is provided in the Indian constitution.
  • Reasonable restriction on freedom of speech includes not instigating communal feelings.
  • A good press should give attention to both government and opposition viewpoints.
  • A free press gives an impartial account of events.
  • Freedom of press exists in the Indian constitution due to the right of expression.
  • Importance of a free press has increased due to people’s awakening.
  • Freedom of press doesn’t cover suppression of opposition views.
  • A good free press should give a fair picture of national progress.
  • In a parliamentary democracy, a good press builds healthy public opinion.
  • People of the armed forces are usually denied freedom of speech.
  • Reasonable restriction on freedom of speech can be for well-established social norms.
  • A good and free press does not encourage communal disharmony.
  • Freedom of speech was granted by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
  • Freedom of speech is a feature of democratic constitutions.
  • Swiss Constitution of 1874 grants the right to freedom of speech.
  • The Soviet Constitution of 1936 denied freedom of speech to enemies of socialism.
  • The importance of the press has increased due to the large-scale paper manufacturing.
  • The U.S. courts have regarded censorship as a restriction on freedom of speech.
  • Freedom of speech and expression includes freedom to publish ideas.
  • Freedom of press includes the right to print public news and views.
  • The right to freedom of speech and expression includes freedom of press.
  • The press helps the government in knowing public opinion.
  • The term “press” includes newspapers, weeklies, monthlies, and other published material.
  • Freedom of press includes the right to print and publish news and views.
  • The Indian government cannot restrict freedom of speech when stability of the government is in danger.
  • Freedom of press is vital for a democratic society.
  • Democracy ensures freedom of speech as a basic right.
  • Press plays a crucial role in checking government actions.
  • Censorship is often considered a restraint on freedom of speech.
  • Press has the duty to provide a fair picture of national progress.
  • Freedom of press extends to commenting on public affairs and criticizing measures.
  • Government in India cannot restrict freedom of speech when the stability of the government is in danger.
  • Freedom of press includes the right to distribute or circulate printed materials.
  • A good press focuses on failures of the government and achievements of the nation.
  • Freedom of speech and press ensures a check on government actions.
  • The importance of a free press is recognized due to widespread education.
  • Freedom of speech and expression encompasses the freedom to propagate ideas.
  • A good press should create healthy public opinion and promote cultural heritage.
  • Freedom of press includes the right to print public news and views.
  • A free press should give attention to both national and international events.
  • Freedom of speech was first granted by the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.
  • Freedom of press is granted by democratic constitutions to ensure transparency.
  • Freedom of speech is a fundamental right protected by liberal democracies.
  • The press has the responsibility to acquaint people with various problems facing the country.
  • Freedom of speech should have reasonable restrictions to maintain social norms.
  • A good and free press doesn’t encourage communal disharmony.
  • Freedom of press and speech are crucial for an informed and engaged citizenry.
  • Democracy and freedom of speech are intertwined concepts.
  • A free press is essential to ensure government accountability.
  • Press plays a role in shaping public opinion and raising awareness.
  • Freedom of speech is protected in democratic constitutions to ensure a thriving society.
  • A strong press is a cornerstone of open societies and informed citizens.

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