Founders GK

1. The founder of psychoanalysis is Sigmund Freud.

2. The founder of Microsoft Corporation is Bill Gates.

3. The founder of the World Wide Web (WWW) is Tim Berners-Lee.

4. The founder credited with the scientific study of fingerprints (dactylography) is Francis Galton.

5. The founder of the field of genetics is Gregor Mendel.

6. The founder of modern nursing is Florence Nightingale.

7. The founder of the theory of relativity is Albert Einstein.

8. The founder of the Red Cross is Clara Barton.

9. The founder of Apple Inc. is Steve Jobs.

10. The founder considered the founder of modern chemistry is Antoine Lavoisier.

11. The founder of the theory of evolution by natural selection is Charles Darwin.

12. The founder of modern physics and quantum theory is Max Planck.

13. The founder of modern sociology is Auguste Comte.

14. The founder of the Ford Motor Company is Henry Ford.

16. The founder of modern political philosophy is Thomas Hobbes.

17. The founder of the modern Olympic Games is Pierre de Coubertin.

18. The founder of the social networking platform Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg.

19. The founder of modern political science is Aristotle.

20. The founder considered the founder of modern architecture is Frank Lloyd Wright.

21. The founder of the Boy Scouts Movement is Robert Baden-Powell.

22. The credited founder of the first modern computer is Charles Babbage.

23. The founder considered the founder of modern astronomy is Nicolaus Copernicus.

25. The founder of SpaceX is Elon Musk.

26. The founder of modern political economics is Adam Smith.

27. The considered founder of the field of modern microbiology is Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.

28. The founder of the social media platform Twitter is Jack Dorsey.

29. The known founder of the Sikh religion is Guru Nanak.

30. The considered founder of modern botany is Theophrastus.

31. The founder of the modern theory of plate tectonics is Alfred Wegener.

32. The credited founder of the field of genetics is Gregor Mendel.

33. The known founder of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is Vikram Sarabhai.

34. The considered founder of modern surgery is Andreas Vesalius.

35. The founder of the Theory of General Relativity is Albert Einstein.

36. The founder of the field of modern psychology is Wilhelm Wundt.

37. The considered founder of the field of modern immunology is Emil von Behring.

38. The founder of Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate, is Jack Ma.

39. The founder of the field of modern geology is James Hutton.

40. The considered founder of the field of modern linguistics is Ferdinand de Saussure.

41. The founder of modern algebra is François Viète.

42. The credited founder of the field of modern ecology is Ernst Haeckel.

43. The founder of the field of psychotherapy known as “client-centered therapy” is Carl Rogers.

44. The founder of the field of modern economics is Adam Smith.

45. The founder of the social media platform LinkedIn is Reid Hoffman.

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