881. Vitamin D slows down the formation of RBCs (Red Blood Cells).
882. The breed of dog with a black tongue is Chow Chow.
883. The date when day and night are equal is March 20 and September 23.
884. There are 100 mm in 10 cm.
885. The unit of torque in the International System of Units is Newton-meter.
886. Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation.
887. Saturn is the ring planet; the least dense and the second-largest planet is Jupiter.
888. Sound travels about 4 times faster in water than in air.
889. The letter “J” does not represent in the periodic table.
890. Albert Einstein was a physicist.
891. Carbon dioxide is used to extinguish fires.
892. Argon is abundant among the noble gases in the air.
893. The suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is fermi.
894. The digestive system has involuntary muscles.
895. The lightest metal is lithium.
896. A seed can germinate in the absence of light.
897. Hyetology is the study of rainfall.
898. Kangaroo rat can live without water in its entire life.
899. Electromagneticism is a branch of physics.
900. The distance between the optical center of a convex lens and its principal focus is called its focal length.