421. The first scientist to prove that Planets move around the sun was Galileo Galilei.
422. An area of microbiology that is concerned with the occurrence of disease in human populations is Epidemiology.
423. The smallest unit of heredity is Gene.
424. Copper is used in the production of Electric wires.
425. Neutrons have no charge.
426. The Electron was discovered by J.J. Thomson.
427. Entomology is the study of Insects.
428. The ozone layer is at a height of 20 to 30 kilometers from the surface of the Earth.
429. The correct sequence of the various layers of the Atmosphere from the Earth’s surface is Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere.
430. Wood is the least conductor of electricity among the following.
431. Most drugs are excreted through the Kidney.
432. The in-between phase of stellar nurseries and star formation in stellar evolution is Protostar.
433. During a total solar eclipse, the rate of Photosynthesis Decreases.
434. Honey contains glucose and fructose along with some other ingredients; it has greater viscosity due to irregular shape of the molecules and strong intermolecular forces.
435. The arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest energy and increases to the greatest energy is Radio, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-ray, Gamma ray.
436. The kind of weathering that takes place on the valley side above the surface of the glacier is Frost shattering.
437. Weather describes the condition of The atmosphere at any one time.
438. In the Composition of the earth, Aluminum is 8.23%.
439. Mercury is also known as Quick Silver.
440. The total energy of a revolving electron in an atom Can never be positive.

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