241. A wattmeter is used to measure the power of an electric circuit.
242. Sound travels in air at an average speed of nearly 755 miles per hour.
243. Conversion of water into steam is not a chemical reaction.
244. The animal with the longest gestation period of about 640 to 660 days is an elephant.
245. The scientific name of flying fish is Exocoetidae.
246. Diseases transferred from animals to humans are called Zoonosis.
247. The hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of nuclear fusion.
248. The molecular formula for ammonia is NH3.
249. The gases mostly found on the planet Jupiter are hydrogen and helium.
250. The chemical formula for water is H2O.
251. The light of distant stars is affected by both the earth’s atmosphere and interstellar dust.
252. In humans, the brain develops first.
253. The term “atom” was given by Democritus.
254. Day and night are the result of the Earth’s rotation around its axis.
255. Lockjaw (Tetanus) is a symptom of tetanus.
256. Deficiency diseases are caused due to the deficiency of vitamins.
257. The surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865 was Joseph Lister.
258. The Mach number is used in connection with the speed of aircraft.
259. Blood is cleaned by the kidneys.
260. The tree that sends down roots from its branches to the soil is known as a Banyan tree.

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