161. When water is filled in a bottle and is allowed to freeze, the bottle breaks because water expands on freezing.
162. Protons are positively (+) charged particles.
163. The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the first observation of gravitational waves.
164. The speed of sound in air at sea level is approximately 340 meters per second.
165. Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes beriberi.
166. The breathing rate of a human being’s body is 16-20 minutes.
167. If the length of a heater coil is reduced by 10% of its original length, then the power consumed by the heater will decrease by 0.5%.
168. The common refrigerant used in domestic refrigerators is Freon/Ammonia.
169. PSR J0108-1431 is the closest known pulsar to Earth.
170. Oranges are a rich source of vitamins.
171. Some substances are good conductors of electricity in both the solid and liquid states; these substances are generally metallic substances.
172. Gamma rays have the highest energy.
173. Our heart valves open and close normally approximately 1,50,000 times each day.
174. When warm air is lifted off the surface in a temperature depression, it is called an occlusion.
175. The strength of wave action depends on all these EXCEPT the height of waves.
176. Cow milk is a rich source of vitamin A.
177. An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is plutonium.
178. Vitamin B6 can be synthesized by the liver.
179. The average salinity or ratio of salt per kilogram of water in the ocean is 35 grams.
180. The Big Bang theory explains the origin of the universe.

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